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The Original Greaser Bob

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by The Original Greaser Bob

  1. As a boomer, I'm just glad another demographic looks stupid for once.
  2. https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pinterest.com%2Fpin%2F399413060676699325%2F&psig=AOvVaw2xNmwpaLyViiYMxSUpINR6&ust=1714434531316000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CA8QjRxqFwoTCJiY7LuM5oUDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAf
  3. Goat getting short shrift: Title should be "Dog Killer, Cabrito Eater, Krsti Noem".
  4. This thread really reflects what it feels like to be on the wrong side of sixty. I kind of get most of what is going on. It's all kind of amusing and I feel like I'm in on the joke. But not completely.
  5. Courthouses smell bad enough without adding egg-a-muffins to the mix.
  6. Has anyone else other than me had the passing thought "Gosh, as I look back on my life, it might have been fun to engage in at least one or two shenanigans/deviltry/monkey business that required a Pecker to "catch and kill"?"
  7. Well, from a defense employment lawyers perspective, we should limit non-competes, if at all, to the top tier executives and the guys who are given the recipe for coca-cola. But more importantly, it will cause companies to tighten the those non-solicits and confidentiality clauses. Which will give some more clarity to employees but may ironically give employers more opportunity to harass lower level ones. Right now it feels like the only non-competes we are willing to enforce are just slam dunk unfair competition/espionage.
  8. Every part of this trial I am now channeling through moist yet fuzzy filter.
  9. Yeah, I would anticipate that in an order: "You know all that stuff you said in your affidavit that you didn't think was a violation. Well it is." Shitgibbon neds to spend Saturday in the poke or at least cooling his heels in the state police department.
  10. Judge in chambers, trying to assuage the jurors' concerns:
  11. Finishing it up. It was fine. Depressing on many levels, but LW is such a good writer it moved along lickety split. Yeah, it was kinda name-droppy but those are his friends, so there.
  12. I would have been happy with them just spending a couple of weeks of reading anti-Trump tweets that potential jurors had written and then calling it a day.
  13. No as a dork, I like that he's a dork. I am convinced that these Japanese are asian nerds, and not cool asians.
  14. Got no rise at all from Emma in Poor Things. Eck. I'll take Rachel Weisz in rain gear over that.
  15. Finally saw this. Funny as fuck when it wanted to be, but I was pretty grossed out/felt dirty on the whole and while intellectual great, pretty challenging flick. Goddamn Willem was fantastic. My favorite of his is probably The Favourite. Again, mostly for the humor that just jumps up at you when you least expect it.
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