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The Original Greaser Bob

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by The Original Greaser Bob

  1. Finally saw this. Funny as fuck when it wanted to be, but I was pretty grossed out/felt dirty on the whole and while intellectual great, pretty challenging flick. Goddamn Willem was fantastic. My favorite of his is probably The Favourite. Again, mostly for the humor that just jumps up at you when you least expect it.
  2. A Fever in the Heartland by Timothy Egan (2023) Kind of wanted it to be more about the Klan in Indiana and less about a murder trial. But a nice read (audible). Kind of scarily timely book in certain ways. If anyone has a rec on a good overall history of the klan, please drop it.
  3. Might save your life, too. Peter Attia's podcast convinced me to get a calcium screening, which led to a stent placement.
  4. Master Gardner (2022) Cool little flick from Paul Schrader. Kind of a Joel Edgerton vehicle but Sig Weaver kind of freaks you out. I keep getting older and so does Sigourney.
  5. His stongest asset. He is the White Cornyn! And I want to hear him call Cruz a Jive Turkey in the debate.
  6. Just deleted my only arguably anti-Trump photo from facebook.
  7. It's an uphill battle for the prosecution. "Never fight up hill, me boys." - George Armstrong PIckett, KIA Gettysburg.
  8. Isn't that a dog hole there on the right... WTF!!!!!
  9. I'm getting tired of hitting so many threads just wishing the latest post was an announcement of an unfortunate death for the person dying but a fortunate death for mankind.
  10. 42 percent of women voters: Okay, in fairness, 20% of those:
  11. Due process, especially for dicks, can be a pain.
  12. You pussies need to get on board the semi-soul train. Colin's gonna rip off Ted's head and shit down his neck. Colin's gona make Ted eat the peanuts out of his (Colin's) shit. Although Ted is going to let Colin fuck his (Ted's) sister/wife.
  13. https://thedispatch.com/podcast/advisoryopinions/judge-cannons-clerkship-problem/ I think the problem is that she has no help. I often want to punch these two hosts, but this is a pretty good podcast that stressed me the fuck out at not only how over her head she is, but how she's going to self-destruct.
  14. "School kids and their parents are a bunch of assholes, just making life harder for teachers." -- A Teacher
  15. The problem in a nutshell. To read it to inject time and quiet into the absorbtion of the information.
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