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Everything posted by JimmyJames

  1. Yeah Louis CK was just a weirdo. Wasn’t right but to compare that to Cosby fucking women he immobilized is not the same ballpark.
  2. That's exactly what these idiots want and its not only ridiculous but incredibly dangerous. GRUhorn is just the mouthpiece. It's a given that if he is in favor of it it is designed to harm America.
  3. Hardge is aaight. Replaced Sean adams after he passed as a temporary guy just filling in and sort of grew into the role. Played in the minors and an upcoming career cut short by injuries I think gives you a good perspective on sports in general.
  4. Try listening to that tape or album or whatever again nowadays. It’s a trip.
  5. Trump finally told the cult to get the vaccine and they booed him and would rather die instead to own the libs so no, Biden couldn’t stop the cult from being complete idiots and killing themselves. Too bad.
  6. The dude is being paid to spread chaos on the net with bullshit. He keeps getting crowd banned here, and yet keeps coming back. It’s pretty obvious who finances his posting bullshit. Just think about what he’s doing on Facebook and Twitter.
  7. Pro trump, anti vax, pro Facebook, and now pro Bitcoin, aka “apolitical” money. Anyone seeing a pattern here?
  8. I think your guesstimate is closer to accurate. I personally know at least two people who died prematurely and unexpectedly in their 50s and 60s and it will never be said it was Covid. I’ll never be able to prove it and frankly don’t care to since that’s not my job or concern but I believe it was a factor anyway. Yeah I’m getting older but I’ve experienced more death in the last year and a half than I can ever remember.
  9. I hate it when I agree with you but nah, not really. It’s always about the money. Always. Litigation with KBR opened my eyes completely.
  10. Almost anyone who opposes the war machine, usually dems but even sometimes some republicans, is almost immediately attacked by both sides of the media. I wonder why that is?
  11. A sin for which he was then almost immediately severely punished by the so called mainstream liberal media. Just like Biden with Afghanistan. You can actually set your watch to it.
  12. You’re probably right but it won’t be FB. To think it’s army of olds is gonna convert to it is pie in the sky thinking and the youngs left it awhile ago. They do have Instagram still but its strategy of buying up the competition just isn’t gonna fly anymore and Zuck ain’t no genius, far from it. FB has only been dominant for less than 15 years and I predict in much less than that time it will go the way of MySpace. There’s only so many trumpy bears that people will buy.
  13. Why are you constantly posting about black people? Seems like a thing for you. Did they beat you up as a kid or something?
  14. Nice try asshole. You were constantly posting anti vax bullshit for months. Everyone here knows it. We don’t have to go search for your bullshit posts to know it either.
  15. Told y’all we’d hit a million. And that’s just the reported deaths.
  16. Let’s have another look at it! Someone quote me so the sack can see it again and give us his thoughts! Or not!
  17. Hey how about that jobs report today eh? Quite the stuff!
  18. Sack is a lawyer so he of course qualified his bullshit statement with “relevant” politicians which allows him to weasel out of any contradiction. In other words he’s as full of shit as always.
  19. Just shillin’ fo Facebook and asking’ da questions.
  20. Watching some clips on fox business on the job numbers report is hilarious. Unlike regular foxnews they can’t just outright lie to their viewers since their asshole Fox business viewers actually deal in facts but the spin is just glorious.
  21. He’s a fraud who stole someone else’s technology and idea and became obscenely wealthy from it. Facebook was always by far the most likely tech company to fail since he’s in charge of it and the market has finally figured that out. This “pivot” is just sheer desperation. And lol at the market shaped Facebook into what it is. That’s some dumbass shit there even for you.
  22. You are the most overtly racist poster on this entire board and I can’t even name second place. That’s a fact.
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