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Everything posted by JimmyJames

  1. Yep. Time to declare the Republican Party as illegal and go from there. Not ideal but they’ve given us no choice.
  2. One thing you need to understand about Trump is he is a coward at heart and cowards always back down. He’s a cornered rat right now so he’s lashing out.
  3. Here’s my solution. Everyone just get vaxxed and then just shut up about it. Alternatively everyone be forced to get vaxxed, and if you don’t want to you get a free greyhound bus ticket to Mexico.
  4. Yeah the board has just been all about loving Covid and how great it is. Stupid ass post.
  5. Also why would you need so many whores at one time? Once you get past 2 it seems like a waste of money unless you’re like tiger woods or something.
  6. If true then I’ll likely retract my bravo sock allegation. They’re just both a couple dumbasses.
  7. I think we all know the answer to that question. It’s just unbelievable. Everyone gets vaccines when they are a kid and gives their kids vaccines. Almost every death from covid that happens today and happened yesterday was easily preventable. The online trolls who have engaged in this disinformation campaign like GRUHorn should be prosecuted. It’s not free speech if you get paid to help kill people.
  8. He’s being a passive aggressive bitchass like always. Says it right in the handle.
  9. Idiotic worthless poll gets posted.
  10. He’s passive aggressive so the answer is no.
  11. Public policy based on outright lies. You must be proud. So principled.
  12. Fraudulent votes In Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania carried trump to victory in 2016. They fixed that issue in 2020 and he got his ass kicked. That’s why he’s bitching about it.
  13. I hope you lose every single one of them. Post them so we know who and what to root for.
  14. Trump won the Republican nomination because he became a hero among people like you by promoting the lie that Obama was not a legitimate president. Then with the help of the Russians he stole an election. Then he got his ass kicked four years later and claimed election fraud and still does. And you support that position because you are a piece of shit. The end.
  15. Sack supports the insurrection. Think about that for a moment. Some well to do country club Republican living very comfortably in some rich area of Houston supports overthrowing the legitimately elected US government. Thats what we are facing and having to confront and deal with.
  16. It’s very similar to trump and his “nasty women” comments. They know that women won’t fuck them unless they pay for it because they’re at heart vile pieces of shit. Hell that would bother me too if I was like them.
  17. He says as he pulls the lever for Greg Abbott. It’s just fucking insane with these guys. No wisdom whatsoever.
  18. Small dick syndrome on display right about here. Your sock bravo once threatened to post a pic of his dick, for what reason I have no idea but it’s probably similar to why you made this post.
  19. Was it because you were posting the vaccines don’t work?
  20. I mean he is from Mississippi. Voting a black woman on to the Supreme Court would get you shot in that state.
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