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Everything posted by locodos

  1. Why do you have to take two Methodist Ministers with you when you go fishing?
  2. If you like Chinese food, some of the best in the country is in Chicago. Dim Sum one morning?
  3. Got the Keely Hotel infotainment trifecta. Also glad that they gave Van Damme some love. Him and his hideous mask
  4. Maybe we are talking past each other... but I generally agree with your concern I didn't deliberately leave off most. I can tell you the old narrative that emerged post war in the 50s & 60s (which many in the US were taught in the 70's/80's) of the simple German duped by a monster, hasn't held up to historical examination. The vast majority of GERMANS (nevermind Nazis) knew what was happening because it was printed up in their Newspapers and distributed. Not knowing would have taken some effort. Another point where you and I disagree is that potentially radicalized Americans know their history. They know fantasy narratives about shards of history... Do you think 3%ers could pass the AP American History exam? And by god, Ron wants to keep it that way. You can't have little Timmy knowing the truth about The War of Northern Aggression. I mean what might they learn about next? Redlining? GASP! It's a veritable WOKE slip n slide.
  5. First of all fuck Nazis, all of them, everywhere all the time. Second of all, Bullshit! Don't infantilize a bunch of fucking Nazis. They knew what was happening. They saw it, they heard it, and they cheered their fucking rotten asses off for it. I have been on a genealogy kick lately... No fucking Nazis so far, but a whole shitload of raggedy assed slave owners. You should read their wills. Giving their daughters a "boy" to keep as an attendant. And "boy" is doing double duty here, because they were literally giving away "the youngest boy of my slave "betty". An accessory like a Gucci purse, so they can be seen in polite society. So Betty just had to say goodbye to her child because some old asshole kicked the bucket. Fuck them, fuck them all. And more importantly do not look away from that horror or make excuses for the horrible cunts they were. Because that's the stuff that Ron and his ilk would like you to forget or at least not talk about in polite society.
  6. It's true... topics just came flying at you out of left field. No context or nothin'!
  7. I hope after the credits of the last episode, they'll have a snippet with Ted & Beard coaching a curling team or something bizarre. Cricket would be hilarious but would have to go 15 seasons to cover one match.
  8. Maybe it's time we find out who's selling them the tech/chips (if that's happening), and let the Ukrainians know where they sleep.
  9. Our head of sales was an old Tomcat pilot. (and as charming of a SOB as you will ever meet) He told me it wasn't the other guys fault he was a dick "Chairforce" types are just like that.
  10. F-16, F-18, what ever it takes... I had a guy that worked for me that was an F-16 pilot. He was kind of an asshole, but I was jealous he got to fly that machine. Grudging respect. He had some amazing Gulf war stories... Still kind of an asshole, though
  11. @30 second mark you could edit in a record scratch and a "That's me, how did I get here?"
  12. In reference to Roy's old England football "kit" Jamie: "I got them to change the e to a u"
  13. I don't think this is correct. Ron is a product of the Florida GQP. He is a symptom, not the cause of the decay. Sure he is throwing red meat to his base, but If you think a Florida congressman from Ft Myers gives a husky fart about Orlando, you're dreaming. Orlando is a large city home to woke people with too much melanin. Sure they want those liberal cities to fund their lifestyle and syphon funds to their communities. But if their donors (corporate or otherwise) tell them to fuck Disney, they'll line up to give 'er a go... no matter the consequence. Why think about that, when you can hurt some people and get rich doin it!
  14. Enis Vern Hatfield? I'll see myself out now.
  15. "I don't even wait. And when you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything." -m Gandhi
  16. I wanted an icy stare and a "Futbool is death!"
  17. No wonder my Grandmother voted for him! NOT Women couldn't vote back then... Sad trombone
  18. So, tell me again how the US was pulled into ww2... Oh yeah, We sailed across the Pacific and parked a Gun boat in the harbor of a TRUELY isolationist country and FORCED them to trade with us. Spoiler... they didn't like it (I know this is a simplistic take, but it nicely contrasts the ideas of an isolationist country) Teddy Roosevelt's big stick... global projection of power You know, VERY isolationist stuff. I do know that in the US in the years immediately preceding ww2 the US was looking to avoid getting sucked into another "European" war. (like a lot of other countries) It didn't help that a lot of Germans had immigrated to the US and opposed going to war against the father land. (also fuck those nazis!) Lindbergh, ring a bell? More to your point, but not gonna post the whole thing... here's a link Germany and the America First movement
  19. I'm not telling my grandkids shit about Shaggy/Surly
  20. I don't know how this has anything to do with what I was talking about. But we killed the Rosenburgs... I don't think that was a devisive issue, then or now. Agreed. After the wall came down a lot of the Soviet programs to create divisions and mistrust of facts in the west were divulged. I wish I could find the program that detailed these efforts. Russians were trying to promote UFO hoaxes among other things. I wonder why the whole UFO thing is taking off again? HMMMM Well Ukraine is in Europe and they do vote for their leadership/politicians... so they are, by definition a European Democracy. I assume they aspire to become more free and democratic, but I'm not going to put them on a scale and make and uneducated decision about just how much of a valid democracy they are. I started watching the Yale courses video on the history of Ukraine, got 4 lectures deep before I decided I didn't have that kind of time to devote to the issue, so I'll be the first to admit to being uninformed. Also, the history of the region has little bearing on the legality of Russia's neo colonial aggression and Vikings or no, we, the US have more than a little strategic interest in aiding fledgling/emerging democracies in Europe. Agreed Lol, NO There have been periods in time where this is true, but I would argue that has not been even remotely true since the reluctant US involvement in WW1, so let's call it more than a century. Agree, but I do not think the counter offensive will be as dramatic as I and other hope for. Best case scenario is that Putin is yet another victim of the faulty window epidemic in Russia, and there is a dramatic and hopefully western shift in Russian governance. I fear that Russia will play for a stalemate so they can further destablize Ukraine and the Balkans.
  21. Give the Russians some credit, they've worked long and hard to purchase the allegiance of the "de-escalation" faction. They have gotten their talking points spread across the political spectrum. As poorly as the Russians have fought on the ground, they've done a hell of a job influencing Western countries populace. I sometimes wonder if the US was celebrating winning the cold war in the 3rd quarter. Remember when the "commies" wanted to take over Korea? Vietnam? What was the US reaction? Now a european democracy is getting eaten and the old Soviets are getting the band back together and we are dithering on our fainting couch. We have a chance to have 1 of our 2 enemies/global competitors wreck themselves on our OLD/OBSOLETE military stock and somehow/someway a not insignificant portion of our leaders are against the idea?! Our Grandfathers are rolling in their graves right now. Yes we have paid handsomely for the weapons, BUT: Most of the equipment is old/outdated and we were paying to have it stored/exercised Patriots are not outdated (as far as I know) but is anyone really against protect civilians from indiscriminate bombing? The defense industry should be drooling at the contracts to replace the old stuff (how are they not howling for this?) It was all sunk cost anyways contracted/built/used/replaced... it's not like saved cash. An old plane costs a TON to keep airworthy, tanks and trucks the same to a lesser degree. The US is never going to use these assets unless we are in a long grinding war with a rival super power... wouldn't it be great if there was one fewer of them around? I'm even more pissy because I was down in Miami/Aventura yesterday and the fucking Russians are all over the place. Just living the good life, not a care in the world. Hopefully they are earlier dissidents who got their money out and fled (booked a flight) to the west, but that seems a bit naïve. In other news, it's now illegal for Chinese nationals to buy property in Florida, but the Russians are still welcomed with open arms. And we are still not sure about arms to Ukraine. FURK
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