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Everything posted by locodos

  1. pffft like he was gonna pay ANY lawyer, assigned or otherwise.
  2. Have you ever been in a Turkish prison? I mean besides the Four Seasons Sultanahmet
  3. In the 90's the wife and I were traveling and ended up stuck for 12hrs in Istanbul International Airport (flight out was continuously delayed for 2 hours at a time). Then, and I assume now in Turkey, you negotiated the price of everything. I was told it was a cultural thing and refusing to negotiate was considered rude, basically akin to "I would rather pay more not to interact with you". Anyways, around hour 4 I decided I needed a coffee from the airport cafe/cafeteria, I got my coffee and politely haggled with the lady cashier... I ended up on 35 lire... fine (like 50cents at the time) Several hours later, I needed another cup of coffee, this time there was a local in line before me getting coffee too. He negotiated 25 lire, so when I got to the cashier, she smiled and I started at 20 lire, she said no, we already agreed on your price 35 lire. She wouldn't budge and I needed the coffee so I paid it begrudgingly. I'm still pissed and we're talking about 5 cents... It's petty, I know, but it is what it is.
  4. Reading material? With his diet, dude has got to get board taking a growler
  5. yeah? the stripmall grift prophets say hi
  6. locodos

    RIP George Winston

    Just saw this... sucks. We'll always have December
  7. Cheers to this guy. He has somehow monetized the ability to look at maps and talk about them into a camera. I've watched his videos that have been posted and I feel like Mugatu.
  8. Just re-watched the last episode. Loved that Trent Crimes book has "A brief foreword by Roy Kent"
  9. They'll find a coke can somewhere in the flood water.... "Only Americans drink Coke" Checkmate!
  10. I have this granite Bahamian Sand (pic is not my counter) it's been great. With two caveats if you place something small down on the counter it can be tricky to see... bread clips, keys Everything blends in. If you spill a little bit of something on the counter it can ALSO be tricky to see, but the counters NEVER look dirty, even when they are filthy Oh and the seams between counters, SUPER hard to see because it's so veiny (that's what she said)
  11. I can see the passive aggressive note on the office fridge about someone's ham sandwich.
  12. Well I enthusiastically voted for Gillum, who in hindsight, was a closeted, meth addicted, indicted fraudster, and still somehow would have made a better governor than puddin' fingers. It's not like we are awash in great choice here in hangdown state.
  13. The more I dig, the more I think I'll need a DNA kit... Not to check for relatives, but to see what kind of damage the inbreeding has done... 1500's Scotland... for fucks sake, there were sheep literally everywhere! /noaggy Totally worth... amiright? PS that's not malcom!
  14. Why are Baptists so against fornication?
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