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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Royalfan5

  1. The Mennonites mush have leaked into your area more than expected.
  2. You're not gonna swing votes your way with that attitude, Friend. Swaying voters doesn't win elections, getting your base out to vote does.
  3. I personally enjoyed it. I thought to a large degree it was live action BoJack Horseman except with more violence and feet, and shot in a visually interesting manner. Plus, nothing better than having Snoopy vs. the Red Baron playing during a key part.
  4. Finally got around to starting Letterkenny. I deeply regret not doing it until now. Being from rural Nebraska, I feel like I know most of these characters already.
  5. Only while waiting for his tailored jersey to arrive.
  6. Somebody probably just had a light switch rave and broke it.
  7. Only assholes want to wear the flag on their feet in the first place.
  8. We even have the Germans from Russia museum here. Put a lot of them out west too, because they were already used to bleak landscapes.
  9. Also, Smithfield really cranked up the protocols for custom farrowers on disease. You’re shower in, shower out, and change clothes building to building even if their connected. The Maschoffs have changed anything on custom finishers yet though.
  10. And they're importing corn into South Carolina to feed them. They do that most years though, if Brazil second crop corn is at all close on price to US you can’t beat freight on floating north with ECB rail, and we’re good and fucked on floating corn down the rivers for while.
  11. They've been taking pork at a good clip the last few weeks. On the tariff front, Smithfield is owned by a Chinese state owned company, so it probably comes out in the wash.
  12. Everyone knows that Mexico was already the largest buyer of US corn and dairy, right?
  13. It’s like all the damned Frozen Yogurt place a few years back. I get that the axes and the plywood lanes aren’t terribly expensive, but you can’t be selling as much booze as a normal bar, and insurance has to be outrageous on a place like that. Getting return business has to a challenge too, unless there is some sort of untapped demand for league Axe action that I’m unaware of.
  14. As a little bit of an update to this. It's rumored the USDA is going to bump up the prevent plant insurance levels from 55% to 75% to limit planting to game the program by buying off the farmers there too. They could probably just bump the prevent plant part and accomplish more of what they want to do cheaper than the program as configured now.
  15. So the partial release of the Farmer trade aid just added to the clusterfuck of a spring. With the wet weather planting is historically slow with more rain coming as we get past late planting dates for insurance. Under the old rules , a farmer would likely take his prevent plant insurance on some acres, which would help rebalance the supply/demand situation on it's own. The aid package excludes guys from getting paid on prevent plant acres, encouraging them to plant in bad conditions, and likely get a poor crop and damage the field to collect aid, instead of just taking the rain check. They also released no details on the payment structure other than it will based on a formula that is based on county averages, so everyone is flying blind as they figure out what they can and can't finish this year. The best I can say for the cluster fuck is they didn't tie things to soybean production this year.
  16. Tyrion getting to continually keep his job is like Sean Watson always being an OC somewhere
  17. Well, Vic’s not rolling the dice with his health for 9 months + residual effects, so I’d say it looks pretty fair to me.
  18. One thing to note on the Farm stuff, is that we've had an extraordinarily wet spring, which has planting as the 4th slowest in the past 32 years, with more rain to come. We are now getting to the point that significant loss of yield and acres for corn, soybeans, and spring wheat, as well as cotton is in play.
  19. Yeah, just look at what happened to the British when they failed to crack down on US IP theft.
  20. I’ve drank beer with 2/3rds of the people quoted in that article. If it’s from Reuters you there might be quotes from me elsewhere in the article.
  21. Anyone who doesn’t include at least one Larry McMurtry book should be deported
  22. Suppose that makes sense as the North's skills at burning shit to the ground were already up to par.
  23. I’m pretty sure a few folks have been sent to jail for unloading on someone through their door. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shooting_of_Renisha_McBride https://www.cbsnews.com/video/detroit-man-found-guilty-after-shooting-at-black-teen-who-knocked-on-his-door/
  24. Shit, Aggy beats somebody they shouldn’t from time to time too
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