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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Royalfan5

  1. She’s on her way to being an Ernie Chambers/Terry Carpenter type hellraiser in the Unicameral and that’s great. If Vargas doesn’t get Don Bacon in NE-2 this time, I can see her taking it next time
  2. Could be Trump and Vance doing a Requiem for Dream recreation
  3. As a rural Nebraskan who played 8-man football, there is nothing more than football coaches with a rural Nebraska background love more than an opportunity to call someone a dipshit.
  4. I’ve lived in Nebraska my entire like and ate a lot of potato salad and have never once seen raisins in it.
  5. Rode a funicular today in Dubuque, kind of like riding an enclosed mining car down a hill. Have taken the Pikes Peak Cog Railway too. What other good ones are there to try?
  6. Can I bitch about how much Bob Costas loves the Yankees over the Royals in this thread?
  7. Dying in storm like this has to be one of the worst ways to go right? You’d know you fucked up real good by not leaving for a while before the end wouldn’t you?
  8. Also to a large degree fueled the co-operative movement in Agriculture, and why North Dakota had a number of gov't owned industries.
  9. Weekly data has been pretty strong this month, so it'd really need to crater in October to show big changes.
  10. Allegedly the Saudis are abandoning their price target for production increases.
  11. This is the first cycle since the Nelson/Hagel days in the 90's that I can remember R's pouring cash into attack ads in a Senate race. Some real fear there. The shame would be if Osborne pulls it off it takes out Fisher who is mostly a useless do nothing instead of Pete Ricketts out there spending a bunch of money to make things worse.
  12. Last good thing he did was force Billy Sims to fumble in 78.
  13. Probably too busy jacking it to the debate to make up their mind in places where it's harder to get on pornhub.
  14. They're getting after it crude and products again today.
  15. Of course the photo comes from Charlie Fucking Herbster. The guy runs an ag-chemical MLM and got smoked running for Governor in Nebraska as well as being notably too creepy even by the local party standards. (He's also from a county know for a murder cult, as well as the murders that inspired the Hilary Swank vehicle Boys Don't Cry)
  16. In a piece of ancedata, ever since Walz was announced attendance at my ELCA church has been up 15-20%. (I’ve been the counting usher) Also a lot of Tim Walz looking dudes in Lincoln. (Also we are getting closer to have 2 Nebraska EV’s in play every cycle as Lincoln gets bluer and increases the gravity in the district, also the Big Red Donor is spending more on buy the big red players now rather than politicians, thanks NIL)
  17. I played 8-man football in Nebraska for multiple liberal coaches, who in turn were also from rural Nebraska.
  18. Shit talk Bierocks and such all you want, they’re great especially if you have an old country recipe. Plus, Walz is going to lead a Northern European cooking renaissance the likes this country has never seen. A hot dish/cassarole truck on every corner. All manner of dessert bars, cold Hamm’s/Grain Belt wherever you buy beer.
  19. Just wait until they make Vance start dressing like a Village Person (my moneys on the biker)
  20. I'm sure they thought it would cool that everyone would have easy access to a shelf stable head cheese adjacent product just like they were having at home.
  21. The thing with tacos up here is that they are primarily a sour cream delivery device. People just struggle to admit that.
  22. Is this the Republican Parties attempt to get Trump to fall out a window by talking to Musk and finally forcing a decisive donor revolt?
  23. Is this the Republican Parties attempt to get Trump to fall out a window by talking to Musk and finally forcing a decisive donor revolt?
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