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Braff Zacklin

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Braff Zacklin

  1. Most impressive thing about today's game so far has been Lanning's pre-game speech.
  2. The fact that they're watching a CU team they probably haven't watched in many years validates the Prime experience, imo. Case in point, I'm not a lover or hater, but I've seen most of three Colorado games and some of one. Deion is responsible for that.
  3. Colorado D needed that, badly. Unit is gassed.
  4. You just described half of Surly ... 🤣
  5. Nifty play. (EDIT: The touchdown, not that attempted 2-point shitshow.)
  6. Hope that news bodes well for Jamaal. The maker of this vid certainly is of the opinion that Mr. Charles deserves enshrinement.
  7. Braff Zacklin

    USMNT 2023

    That is some extremely vivid imagery, Trey.
  8. Why on earth would you want @elfenix to fight you? He seems like a mild-mannered guy.
  9. She was beastly last week. Set an American record in winning the Diamond League final at the Prefontaine Classic. Pretty epic race, actually.
  10. Braff Zacklin

    Is Punk Dead?

    I would classify Rage Against the Machine as punk long before any of those bands. Green Day is simple enough to be punk, but I don't think their message has ever been in line with the punk movement. Might as well throw in Rivers Cuomo and Weezer (and I love me some Weezer, but they ain't punk!).
  11. More than two years for me, bruh. Have two and pour a little out for your homie. Para las penas.
  12. Who serves bottled Big Red? Start from there ...
  13. Do you have a daughter? Does she aspire to competing in the LPGA or the WTA or some other pro league with a proven track record of success? Godspeed and good luck. There are millions to be made for those with the right stuff. Or does she hope to be a professional in a sport that lacks a fanbase and, therefore, a solid foundation for existence? If so, maybe it would be wise and supportive of you as a father figure to steer her elsewhere. The WNBA is a glorified charity case. If someone objects to it, maybe it's because they don't find it entertaining, which is a matter of taste, or maybe it's because they don't find the business model to be reasonable, which is based in objective fact. Odds are, their objection is not born of misogynistic hate as you seem to want to believe.
  14. No, but I'm pretty certain he asked for a courtesy flush.
  15. Fell into this black hole out of boredom the other day. Interesting character who happens to interview multitudes of interesting characters during his reviews. Only genuine takeaway I have is: seems like one can't walk a block without passing a good to great or even spectacular pizzeria on the East Coast. The stuff Dave hands a 6.4 out to would be a 9.9 here in Idaho. Same goes for cheesesteaks, subs, roast beefs, knishes ... fahgeddaboudit. The Gem State has a great deal many things going for it, but a food utopia it is not. Everybody knows the rules.
  16. Fuck a straight red, that should be a lifetime red.
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