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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Dewey

  1. Anyone who is interested, Titanic is on Netflix. Basically a big boat hits an iceberg and all hell breaks loose. Lots of famous people were on the boat, have no idea why they were in the north pole though.
  2. Rather watch the drunk white trash than this pitching staff.
  3. Not saying it won't happen, hopefully it doesn't, but every year these come out.
  4. Looking at the list of players, I'm guessing the Saudis asked us who we didn't care for? I don't remember being asked, but if I had to list 48 players, that's the list.
  5. Moody Gardens, whey
  6. I can only hope the value of the Cubs goes up so much that those greedy fucks sell. It's the only hope, who's to say the next shiny thing pops up they don't want to cut salary and buy. Any time a young player comes up and is looking at a big payday, those assholes are going to dump him. Do me a favor, sell the Cubs, buy your soccer team and leave.
  7. Seems like a down year for pitching in college baseball, I don't feel so alone anymore.
  8. They're too fucking busy, I just pull over to side and piss, stop anywhere for gas if I have to.
  9. Questioning why they went with desert landscape and not astroturf? Love me some El Paso.
  10. "I don't give a shit where it's played, as long as it's not in Austin! It better be in college station!! We didn't want those sons of bitches in our conference! We told you! No, we don't want to play them! But we ain't scared! - gomer
  11. Would love to see the list of demands gomer made when hearing Texas was joining the SEC.
  12. Her producer went on to produce This old House and a bunch of other great shows. At least that was a quick Google search when I watched the show.
  13. Wonder how the Masters will handle this? they should all have to go through qualifying for the US and open championships in my opinion
  14. Quite honestly, meh. He's the only player out of 48 to fuss over. I don't think anyone will miss Phil, not so much for his past year, but mostly because he turned it in after his PGA win. Sergio? Westwood? I also don't get the beef these guys, particularly Phil, has with the PGA tour. Too much money going around to feel sorry for those guys. It was worse when the Doobie Brothers broke up, this is nothing.
  15. I get hammered for not always reading my emails, was there a memo out to treat NC State with kid gloves?
  16. Auburn regional, Tigers went from elation to "you kidding me?
  17. Going to need birdie on 18, make it happen
  18. Ask for the bbq sauce
  19. Win 2 games, rpi great, hosting. Lose, sucks, not hosting. Win, hosting.... I'm guess we need to win tomorrow. Rpi like a woman.
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