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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Dewey

  1. Yes, another good one. I'm going to make it a good habit to practice daily what a I read, not just read, get into the swirl of daily life and throw all that I have read to the side. I know that if I look back on who I was, I have made significant strides, most of the time I feel that not to be the case, like I'm stuck in neutral, yelling at the clouds. I know I'm tired of being angry.
  2. 4 years, almost 5 and I see that I have not moderated anything in my life. I quit drinking, quit drugs, but I haven't made a dent in my emotions, specifically anger, anger with myself and with others. I came to this realization over the weekend, hotter than shit over things that have happened at work, it's become a daily thing for me at work. I see clearly now "let go, let God", the serenity prayer " accept the things I can not change ". My sponsor always joked about the alcoholic saying, " if people would just listen to me! Do as I say". Lol, but fuck, that's my job, to run a job site, see it to completion. I need to moderate, not get so angry, understand that there's always a solution and that things don't always go as planned, but that we get there when we need to. Anyways, it's 10:30 and I'm doing pretty good. Thanks
  3. Dewey

    NFL Week 3

    Murray's receivers can't see him, all they see is a football shoot out of the line. Good luck catching that. Also has a low lunch angle
  4. Starts on defense, we let a high school coach call a high school game, couldn't stop them and they tracked up over 90 plays. That wears you out and our offense could never get into a glow. And I'll say it again, there was never a QB battle in the off-season, there's a clear cut number one and two.
  5. Need to take over gomer social media and make Scott Frost into an offensive genius.
  6. I didn't believe today was the first day of Fall untill I saw the signs on my neighbors houses. But then again all those welcome signs and they aren't very welcoming when you walk in.
  7. Surface lots are where it's at, if you're in a garage, give the pass back and keep your money. We gave ours back when the stadium went to 100k. I usually park at my brother's house and bus in, last game some friends wanted to tailgate, so they bought a pass for a surface lot. Easier.
  8. Dewey

    NFL Week 2

  9. Once they get through the NCAA dog and pony show, it's a decent job.
  10. I have people in the sec tell me "just wait til you guys are in the sec, everything goes through the Birmingham office" and sec officiating is overall terrible. I don't think on the whole that any officiating is going to be good, it's a thankless job where you have to oversee each play where hundreds different things are happening, but I can't see anything being worse than the big xii on this level of football. Our guy didn't lead with his crown, and they didn't throw a flag. They reacted to a coach throwing a fit on the sidelines and called something that will impact our player in the next game. We can go back seasons of this shit. I think the bottom line is the conference doesn't invest in their officiating like others, or at least that's how it appears on the field. There's no consistency and there's always some head scratching calls on both teams. The make up calls being the most egregious.
  11. Big 12 would have been a td
  12. Well, Nebraska can be proud of that start.
  13. 17 got his feet in quicksand
  14. Texas media - trap game Fans - omg Team - fuck dem cholos
  15. I think it'll come down to has the most points
  16. Look at the Bama game and the drop off between Quinn and Card. Those people said there was a QB battle and reported that Card was ahead in camp. No fucking way that was the case. They know jack shit about Texas football and are currently acting like little bitches because Sark won't tell them who the starting QB will be. If anyone wants some info on Texas football, talk to me. I work for a construction company, Monday through Friday I'm on site at least 8 hours a day, when I get home, I'm tired as shit and will still have better info than those cons. Please for the love of God and Mr Gattis pizza, do not give those scammers your money. Card will start, we will have a heavy workload for the RB room, please no on think Texas is going to unleash hell on offense tomorrow. Let's get the W and get healthy.
  17. Maybe I read the ESPN article wrong, but it seemed liked they wanted to negotiate his buyout and Frost said nope. And rightly so.
  18. How is Ga Southern beating Nebraska a "stunner"? Do people wake-up in the morning thinking it's 1994?
  19. My strong disdain for the pay sites... does anyone think there really was a QB battle? Now that you watched this game?
  20. Hope they play their ass off every game. Proud of that team.
  21. The Cliff Clavin of college sports, they talk way too much and of course their AD is kissing ass in that article, then he hiked up his pants and says "but we are getting the first game at home". Good, your home field is a myth, Seattle had a louder stadium and less people. You can ban our band and fans from the game. Hang around our team hotel and keep players and coaches up all night, call their rooms, give them food poisoning, things which gomer has done in the past. We will still beat your ass. Even if your all world recruiting class stays together. Gomer will put so much pressure on their players and coaches that they will fuck it up again. AGAIN in caps, because they always do. Win the littles ones, lose the big one.
  22. I'm going with FSU, they should be improved, which isn't hard to do. I'm wondering how any player on LSUs roster is going to grasp Kelly's playbook
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