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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Js1

  1. That’s my freshman All American right there
  2. Hope HPU stubs his toe really bad between games
  3. No surprise we have 2 huge hits from Bella and Mia, both here 2 years ago, and the sac bunt by Cap Experience matters on this stage
  4. Yeah got it mixed up and realized - too much cold medicine Getting Friday off is huge
  5. Little of both. Best pitcher, Stanford offense isn’t great and you really want to start 1-0.
  6. Someone has to, because HPU isn’t doing his
  7. Strange rule but okay. Not sure if Mia fucked up the throw or Cap fucked up the catch, but glad it didn’t hurt us
  8. If it’s the rule, fine. It’s a dumb rule
  9. Big K. Third base ump has given that to TK three times
  10. That’s stupid that doesn’t count as possession. What’s the difference between your glove and pinning the ball to your body?
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