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Everything posted by CTC2

  1. Well then I hope he and Tom pass in the hall.
  2. I don't think the BMD rented the plane most of the time. I think the plane was owned by the BMD and the use of it was counted as a donation and Dept paid for the fuel.
  3. Manager of the LLC https://www.jw.com/people/erin-tuggle/
  4. I am not saying there aren't a ton of planes available to the athletic dept. from BMD's but I know in the past planes that they have used fly out of Marble Falls. I don't know if they are part of a leasing pool.
  5. When I first saw it I wondered if UM was a Jerry Jeff fan and then I remembered.
  6. Well, that narrows it down to about five guys
  7. So, you telling me that we sent a hipster in red skinny pants and a guy with a cowboy hat and a Ferrari golf polo to seal the deal?
  8. Why do I feel like tomorrow will leave me like the Christmas where I wanted an Atari and got a three piece suit made out of denim?
  9. Think it is temporarily closed until all this shit blows over.
  10. No shit Einsein. Not to mention it is daylight.
  11. Isn't there a third one on the other side of the airport?
  12. I was told this same thing by someone who would know.
  13. Like I said earlier, flights leaving from Marble Falls.....although the notable ones may have already occurred.
  14. The only flights that matter leave from Marble Falls
  15. Maybe he couldn't because he was so choked up or drunk.
  16. Can someone translate this for us slow ones?
  17. I would add Penders to that as well. Basketball was terrible before him. Not to mention all the swim and volleyball coaches. We were also pretty damn good in women's basketball under his watch. It did take two shots to get football right but he was correct to get rid of Akers. Those last few teams were really bad.
  18. Her bitching about UM almost made me want to puke. If they hire him she will be the first to have her drunk ass in Dallas yelling at okies after we beat them five straight times.
  19. No. We just like talking about it.
  20. Ultimately this is true. Takes a lot of the fun out of it though. But, if CDC does not get this right he will be worm dirt.
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