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Everything posted by WelfareBuysMyWeed

  1. yeah that doesn't fly when they just hired 13,000 new employees a few weeks ago, in one of the most scrutinized mergers in history. This was precisely why people were against the merger, so much that Microsoft for a solid year kept putting out statements that they wouldn't do this. Quite literally the reason the FTC allowed the merger is because microsoft pinky promised such a large layoff wouldn't be coming *again*. Reminder: Last january they fired *10,000 people*.
  2. Literally hours after closing at a market cap of $3 trillion dollars, they announce 1900 people from their video game division are getting axed. For the record, prior to the merger, this would have been EIGHTY FUCKING PERCENT of their workforce. Holy shit what a fucking awful company https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-01-25/microsoft-cuts-1-900-jobs-in-gaming-including-at-activision?accessToken=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzb3VyY2UiOiJTdWJzY3JpYmVyR2lmdGVkQXJ0aWNsZSIsImlhdCI6MTcwNjE5Mzc4OSwiZXhwIjoxNzA2Nzk4NTg5LCJhcnRpY2xlSWQiOiJTN1E3RThEV0xVNjgwMCIsImJjb25uZWN0SWQiOiJCMUVBQkI5NjQ2QUM0REZFQTJBRkI4MjI1MzgyQTJFQSJ9.D-yREnrO0InVaDyJi4PKjnD_2dfBkUEsr-D6-5ulwnQ
  3. Oh wow, someone pointed out to me an easter egg in the Season 4 closing shot that hints at what season 5 will be about:
  4. Speaking of small details in the show: Anybody notice that Pam, Ellen's girlfriend, is a Texas Longhorn?
  5. Helios outright owns the technology which enables the drilling of the asteroid, colony on mars, etc. This was from season 3. Dev invented the fusion engine that literally the entire mars colony uses, and helios is the sole provider of it. The base, the ships, the drilling crew, they are all helios owned. They own the energy, they own the base, they own the equipment, and they own the crew. Just because Helios would see an immediate return on investment, doesn't mean they also aren't footing the largest portion of the bill. In fact, the very reason they asked for $2 trillion in the first place, is because only they will be the ones supplying the equipment and man power at their own cost. Helios is a P3 entity. The reasons the US balks is because they only have a 2-term window for any president to take advantage of the asteroid, and Russia has no need since they already are cut in on the supply side of Iridium on mars. This is made more clear by the role Dev has on the base. Officially, he's only below Danni as Captain, but Dev is officially simply a Helios employee. He's not actually any government official or anything. The only thing that gives him power up there is that he owns everything on mars.
  6. I'm surprised so many missed that Helios was funding basically everything on mars. That was a running thread in the first half of the season, how the M7 *aren't* picking up their share of the bill and how much Helios, prior to Dev taking it back, is paying for it all. This is the heart of the entire conflict with Danni as Captain -- she always had to curtail to Helios because they owned everything. To the degree where Ed can just walk wherever the hell he wants on the base despite being "confined" to his quarters. Whether on Earth or mars, Helios was going to be footing the majority of the bill to mine the Asteroid. Which is why he decided to say fuck it and go after it in the first place.
  7. Let me be the first to say that if a 5-star linebacker or safety or something is looking to transfer to a school, that it is passed the point for "intro to ballroom dancing" add/drop will not stop them from coming. Don't you guys remember what it was like at school? Your councilor can literally do anything they want. I was able to bug my way into classes well passed add/drop just by sticking to my councilor at UT like a fly on horse shit, and I couldn't catch a pass to save my life.
  8. The actress who plays Danni just a few days ago talked about season 5 coming up and how they are changing things because originally so this deffo isn't the last season.
  9. When a coach leaves, players at that school get a one time portal exemption. It's why there has been such an exodus from Alabama.
  10. I find seasons 3 and 4 have higher highs but overall season 1 was front to back the best. Season 3 in particular is so, soooo fucking stupid for the vast majority of it. But that said, holy shit, when this show is hitting the highs, it's incredible. That bit with Sam on the engine in the finale made my palms sweat.
  11. Jim Harbaugh was afraid of having to play the Texas Longhorns
  12. I kinda disagree. It was tight until midway through the fourth, when Texas really did start skull fucking OSU. The score isn't reflective of how thoroughly we beat them down at the end. They couldn't do anything after VY's TD throw. We should have won that game by multiple TDs.
  13. I had this little microphone that plugged into the dreamcast controller, it was funky. It wasn't like a normal modern headset, it was like bob barker's microphone on price is right, a tiny green ball on a very long stick that pointed upwards. It was my first time ever using voice chat in a game, and I talked so much mad shit in that game haha. Great memories.
  14. The Michael Jordan mode from NBA 2K a few years back was fucking awesome, too. That was a little bit different, instead of it being one single cinematic story, you had to follow his career and recreate his greatest feats. So, like, there's an episode called "The Shrug" where you have to drain 6 threes in a half against the Trailblazers, which unlocks a cutscene of Jordan's shrug. Or there's an episode called "The flu" where you have to drain a buzzer beater with all your stats down to minimum. Stuff like that. It was really cool.
  15. Same. I'd played online before on my computer with stuff like Quake, but playing an actual football game online was like a whole other level. I actually bought the LAN adapter for the Dreamcast for that game to get better online experience. I remember the commercial for the game too, with a bunch of Packers fans jawing over the internet and a virtual Randy Moss begging the player to shut them up, lol.
  16. I gotta say I fucking love the opening to this story mode. It begins when Devin and his friend Colt are little kids, practicing pee wee football with Devin's dad. Devin's dad is wearing an Oiler's jacket, and sets up a situation for an "All texas superbowl" where he's the Texans, and Devin and Colt are the Cowboys in a last second drive on 4th down. You can actually win or lose this game depending on what you do, and it affects the story.
  17. That does make us sound like true SEC fans, so I guess a little prophetic? I can see why they didn't follow Nate's story exactly (nobody cares who the long snapper is as long as they have good snaps) and that's just typical Hollywood style sports drama, no biggie. Yeah, deffo creative liberties. Like, for example, Devin played football in highschool and college, Nate didn't. But it still is pretty cool, it was worth killing an evening watching IMO.
  18. There's a game on Playstation and Xbox and PC called Legends Bowl which is like an old school 16-bit throwback that's pretty fun. They actually have a sequel coming out in a few months based on college teams.
  19. The very last one, ESPN 2K5, was fucking incredible, and it was only $20 instead of Madden's $60. That game outsold madden, and that's when EA bought the exclusivity deal. One of the worst things the NFL could have possibly done IMO. You're absolutely right about Madden's gameplay, that's precisely why I don't play any football games anymore. Madden has always been pretty awful.
  20. You can take it all the way back to "too bad the NFL signed an exclusive deal with EA." NFK2K/ESPN2K was light years better than any EA football game, college or pro. I remember walking into Funcoland right after I had bought my Dreamcast in '99 with my dad to buy a memory card, and they had NFK2K playing on a small TV in the corner, and it actually fooled my dad into thinking it was a live football game.
  21. Everything I've ever heard about Nate Boyer makes him sound like an incredible person. I'm so glad he got to represent the University.
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