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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by hookem2010

  1. I should have known that you wouldn't be one to drive the pond loops without ever getting out of the car.
  2. Despite being the #1 Hotspot in Travis County, I've never found Hornsby to be the most enjoyable place to bird most of the time. If you do go, I'd recommend taking the hike back to pond 3, along the river trail. It's the most natural seeming area and usually has a lot going on. And in spring, you've got to check out Mills Pond. The birder watching is almost as good as the bird watching.
  3. At least they're voting for some sanity to replace the MAGA nutjobs, right? Right???
  4. #2 is cooking! It's too early to tell real-life people, but I have no such reservations with you faceless assholes. Our boy will be 28 months when this one is due in the fall.
  5. We just got pregnant with our second one, fortunately without the need for IVF. But fuck, if every appointment isn't extra nerve-wracking here in the early going, wondering what will happen if something goes horribly wrong with the fetus or my wife's health? It really sucks having to even entertain the the thought of fleeing the state to avoid needless misery, should the worst come to pass.
  6. I stopped at a couple neighborhood parks this morning for my typical bird walks, and realized I had a amassed a decent number of species with little effort. After getting bored at home, I decided to see how many species I could get in a single day, within 2 miles of my very suburban home. Ended up with 63 species. Nothing too crazy, but swamp sparrow, pine warbler and a very COOPERative cooper's hawk were nice. I'm ready for spring birds to replace the winter contingent that has been here for a few months now, though.
  7. I voted for the first time in 2012, at the age of 24. First midterms I participated in were 2018. First off-year elections in 2023. And my first primary this year. I guess I can thank Trump for getting me more engaged!
  8. Anyone have knowledge about races on the ballot in Round Rock? I think most of the options are challengers who may not have much of a shot, but would love any info not available from a quick scan of ballotpedia
  9. My 20 month-old still struggles with the "M" sound, so he calls mom "Baba". Which is somewhat cute on its own, but extra funny given that it's the name of the Ukrainian grandmother in Jan Brett's "The Mitten", one of his current favorites. And my wife is far from an old, gray-haired, blue-eyed white woman.
  10. Man, I really hope my son is into this stuff when he grows up a little bit more. And to @NotActuallyALonghorn and others who go kid camping, ain't no way I'm convincing my wife to join me, and lugging a finicky toddler into the unfamiliar wilderness overnight without additional hands sounds like a bad time. He loves being outside though and doesn't mind being toted around in a backpack, so there's hope for the future.
  11. With the same shitty result, due to gangsters, old white dudes, incels etc. getting all priapatic when they feel that sweet, sweet steel in the palm of their hand.
  12. Hearing these interviews on NPR of "centrist" voters who are unexcited and undecided about either candidate makes me want to smash my face repeatedly into the steering wheel. I'm not excited to put my car in park at a cliff overlook, but when the alternative is to fly over the edge to a fiery death, the decision is pretty easy.
  13. Well, if Leah and David "Diamond" Maurelio say we're not causing the earth to warm, who are we, or anyone else, to disagree. Thanks for the enlightenment, @Pimphand!
  14. Turns out the silent majority is neither of those things.
  15. I finally know the origin of the NowThis lore. Thanks for that. Man, that must have been special to watch unfold in real time.
  16. I think the only way to resolve this is a screenshot of your most recent tax return.
  17. The akikiki, native songbird of Kauai, is down to likely one individual and will almost certainly go extinct in the wild this year. There haven't been many bird extinctions in North America the last few decades, and this is the first one I've been aware of as it happens. Pretty sobering stuff.
  18. I don't know, dude. That's some pretty disturbed shit. If he's in a cage, how are the sharks supposed to get to him?
  19. Pelicans spurred a bit of a feeding frenzy out at Meadow Lake in Round Rock today. 30 pelicans, probably an equal number of cormorants and about 50 ring-billed gulls, with some great egrets spying the action from shore.
  20. Just saw my first cybertruck in the wild out in Round Rock. It looks like a Lego, so I bet my toddler would like it
  21. Roy Guerrero seems to be the new Hotspot in town recently. Tons of ducks and herons, good number of passerines in the woods, including several rarities this winter. No reason to try anywhere the next several days though.
  22. Good idea. Cold birding is no fun. Windy birding is...
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