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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by kevwun

  1. Aranda is a dead man walking, so he would be wise to steer clear.
  2. Running off a ton of players worked well for Charlie Strong.
  3. I checked at MGM when we were in Vegas a week ago and all they had was the World Series.
  4. You are overlooking the obvious answer. Herman was a shitty coach who didn't recognize what he had.
  5. I seent him get off a plane in College Station. Maybe his first check bounced.
  6. An "ally" you can't trust is worse than an enemy. Kick them out and see if the Hungarians pull their heads out of their asses.
  7. There's 1 rule that all Astros fans agree about and that's don't talk shit about Altuve. You can lovingly make fun of his base running and pitch selection, but it goes no further than that.
  8. We spend a good chunk of the day drinking when we are there, so by 11 I am usually in bed already or about to be.
  9. She seems really stable and apparently has no filter when it comes to posting on social media. Good hire Chronicle.
  10. I said the teams recruiting him. I was mainly thinking about us and Alabama. My main point is that he's good enough where Sark can pencil him in as a starter right off the bat which means you have to take him in to account when considering portal receivers.
  11. At that time it wouldn't have been crazy because our line was real shitty. We are also losing our 3 best receivers, so it's not like it's a jaw dropping idea that a once in a generation type recruit would be better than everyone else we have.
  12. Sometimes recruits are just that good. Banks was the best linemen on our roster from Day 1 and that's a position where age and strength are normally huge factors in effectiveness.
  13. The thing about Ryan Williams is he's gonna be the best receiver from day 1 on just about every team that's recruiting him including us. He's better than anyone that's currently in the portal. If Sark wants to bring in 2 new starters for next year, you can safely count on him as 1 of them if he ends up flipping. He might be content to take Golden now and wait on Williams and then bring in someone during the Spring portal period if Williams doesn't flip.
  14. He throws way too hard for Georgia. Pretty sure he can throw further left-handed than their last 2 starting quarterbacks.
  15. You think another school wants their potential starting qb practicing with another team where he may get injured?
  16. I can't think of many examples of when mystery recruits didn't turn out to be huge letdowns.
  17. I think that has to be a bs story to try to explain something that I don't think has ever happened before to this extent. I can't imagine he's doing anything to help the team right now and he's gone in 2 weeks. You're gonna pay him to stay around and steal players so that maybe a couple malcontents stick around until the next transfer period in the Spring? There's no way they are gonna stick around after The Elk goes Junction Boys on their asses during spring ball.
  18. How in the world has he still not been fired?
  19. It was pretty fun in the 90's as a Cowboys fan when there wasn't a salary cap. Fingers crossed that is the start of a similar era for UT.
  20. Their new offense is going to need a lot of extra blocking surfaces.
  21. He's graduating in May and playing college football next season. He was originally in the 2025 recruiting class.
  22. I don't ever see them getting to the Tyrant. I have read the first 8 books and stopped there because his son is such a shitty writer, but things get so weird after Paul that I'm not sure they can make the transition without losing most of the audience. I think through the end of Children of Dune is about as far as they can go.
  23. It turns out they could not in fact afford to hire Jimbo this year.
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