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Everything posted by GlenFromTheMailRoom

  1. I cant believe people pay him for this shit. There's no actual info in there other than saying "he visited and both schools are going to recruit him to the end". Yeah, no shit smurf.
  2. Not to shit on you man, but you’re contradicting yourself.
  3. about as much as your mom does when this dick is in her mouth.
  4. Someone needs to inform future man that this is how you do satire/absurdism.
  5. He might come back if we give him a gold jacket and some rep.
  6. Leon O’Neal is also categorically dumb so there’s that.
  7. Lots of crying and awkward sexual encounters?
  8. Clearly, he’s not drinking the right to tequila. I hate that I’m saying this but CTJ is right. Might want to sit this one out before he eats the souls of your children.
  9. Katfid may be a lot of things, but he’s definitely not Tom Herman.
  10. Skeet, skeet. Get off my slab puto. Am I doing this right?
  11. I had a glass of bourbon with breakfast and was super happy after that. Stop shitting on my day.
  12. This is definitely day drinking weather in Austin.
  13. Norte Dame is turning into the catholic aggy.
  14. Maybe all the bitching and hand wringing from yesterday paid off.
  15. Haven't seen anything like this yet, so I'll take the first pass. Company was bought out by large P.E. firm last year in what was a fairly large transaction > $3bn. Product organization was a real shit show prior to buyout and continued to be that way post buyout. Head of Product is utterly incompetent and focuses too much on innovation rather than rigor. Products turn to shit and growth nose dives (8% YoY to less than 1%). Lots of finger pointing ensues and the board steps in. Within the first hour of the meeting, board realizes head of product hasn't produced a product roadmap in over 2 years and instead shows them all the new stuff he's working on. Board gets incredible hulk level pissed and basically puts baby in the corner. They tell the CEO to let him keep innovating but not to expect the board to approve anything in the next 200 days. Head of product's responsibilities gets divided amongst other exec's and magically a 200 day product roadmap is produced in under 24 hours. Head of product has fallen off the map and hasn't been heard from since meeting. Never seen a more public shaming and nut-clipping of an individual in such a public setting. It was unreal.
  16. A CDC tool like attunity or stream sets plus a Kafka topology can make most of this happen. From there you just land it in your data lake and leverage something like spark to create data frames in memory that can be the real horsepower behind the curtain. Ultimately the crux of AI and ML is having the right problem to solve and deploying the algortihm. Only about 12% of analytical problems possibly have AI/ML as the answer, most of the others can be done with mult-variate regression or some other type of predictive/prescriptive analysis. Plus you have to have someone that knows how to productionalize it. Most of these AI/ML platforms are 90% vaporware. Be cautiously optimistic about what sales guys show you.
  17. Always check ebay. https://www.ebay.com/itm/First-Pitch-Softball-and-Baseball-Relief-Pitching-Machine-Made-In-USA/311999362184?epid=2256378028&hash=item48a49c7488:g:c2sAAOSwoBlaX5dS $399 + free shipping.
  18. You're in Costa Rica and you've probably spent at least an hour of your day in an internet slap fight? I should neg you for that, but it's a power move so I can't hate.
  19. Not hating. We have like 20 of those things in the house. The penalty for having daughters and no sons.
  20. Subscribed because of Cinco de Mayo being this weekend.
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