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Everything posted by GlenFromTheMailRoom

  1. The only reason we take LVE is if Jerry’s thinks he’s the next urlacher. For the love of ducking Christ pick ridley. My liver can’t handle Vander Essche.
  2. The only way that happens is if someone wants to jump up to get Jackson or Rudolph.
  3. I don’t think anyone thought he’d be there at 17.
  4. For the love of god, take Jackson San Diego. But I don’t think Seattle let’s him pass by.
  5. Honestly, quidditch probably requires more athletic talent than equestrian sports.
  6. That’s 100% true and I won’t argue that. Collectively, we’re repeating ourselves and this should be on the football board.
  7. There’s a bunch of arm wrestling points in that that we could go round and round about. Ultimately there’s some amount of butthurt with urban whether it’s personal or not. To be frank, Texas players should go to Texas. Anyone surprised by that has ignored the past 120+ years of football, academics, and general history. Urban acting like Texas is a hotbed for tOSU recruiting after one class is fucking clownshoes.
  8. Betting your program’s future on “butthurt” is a strong move. I honestly think that has nothing to do with it. Wilson is a take at every program in the country across the board. This has more to do with Urb’s acting like a selfish child whose parents reminded him that not everything is his. Maybe we’re saying the same thing but scoping it differently.
  9. I for one, welcome Urban’s next shitfit, bitchfest about how Texas high school football players wound up at Texas. Seriously, fuck that guy.
  10. Baldwin sounds like a boyfriend whose girlfriend broke up with him and he’s heartbroken. Plus Baldwin with never throw a pass in game in Columbus.
  11. Beck: “Who are we here to see again?” Mehringer: “Not sure, but that Card kid has some weird fuck following him around. He’s wearing a University of Texas class of 94’ shirt”.
  12. Mine is 4.5 all the way around. I don't see the point of having anything deeper than 5 feet. Mitigates risk and liability while providing a great place to float around in the sun while enjoying a rye manhattan.
  13. Is one of the named Hudson and is your last name Card?
  14. It was a shitty dig that's for sure and in all honesty, that fight could have gone either way. Broner thinks he's Floyd Mayweather and he's not. Garcia did indeed take his mouthy ass to task and it was glorious. GGG vs. Charlo would be a great fight, but I really want to see Wilder v. Joshua happen.
  15. The issue is the optics, not how they were doing business together.
  16. There's going to be a lucky PE firm that's going to scoop Yeti up on the cheap and fire that retarded CEO.
  17. Depends on your price point. The base model macbook air will run you around $600.
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