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Doc Reeves

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Doc Reeves

  1. This looks like it might be a little more messy than the normal workplace bang. Chick seems to have been waiting for a divorce.
  2. Thats right aggy. A strongly worded letter will be delivered in 5-8months.
  3. I loved that movie when i was a kid. They have a scene where a chick takes off her top in the hot tub that my parents weren’t aware of
  4. Stakes are certainly raising. Time to bet the saddle on NIL
  5. No, you’re right. Sorry, I didn’t mean it to come off like I was challenging your point. My point was only that he literally goes out and lives a life he loves. I think the important thing I meant to imply is that if he hated living in Alaska, he’d move. Lots of Americans are caught in lives they don’t like and don’t know how to leave.
  6. I’d argue he’s bad ass because he went out is is living what makes him happy every day.
  7. Your country need you. Being OK with the shit that’s going on in your life doesn’t feel like you won the super bowl but it should.
  8. Not quite, it’s more like a severe personality disorder from something like being solid into child prostitution. you know that dead look in a whores eyes? That.
  9. Well, that’s the thing. If enough people believe something it doesn’t matter if you do or not
  10. You are very right in some of your thinking, really. I think that maybe a more general way to state my point would be to say that suicide at its core is a reaction to trauma. Suicide is the symptom. The disease is that our society, self-esteem, social status, and all of our intrinsic worth is now so fragile and in everyone else’s hands besides ours.. The pressure we are putting on ourselves to be what we think we should or are “supposed to be” is starting to equate to our society what 1000 years of hard Japanese culture has done to theirs. Kids kill themselves out of high school all the time because they didn’t get the marks they needed and will be in the lower class. Game over, bye mom. While that is still at the end of the spectrum, we are starting to loosed our ability to see just being content as the ideal. Thats bad news.
  11. Y’all should follow his instagram. He’s the coolest dude I know of period.
  12. You are absolutely correct. I can’t remember the exact research but basically huge amounts of data were collected to figure out why people who did not experience traumatic events, abuse, sexual slavery were more likely to commit suicide. It turns out (according to them) that people have a biological switch that is activated if life is perceived by the body to be very difficult at a young age- maybe as young as 12mos. They equate it to being born during peace or war. This switch is either activated or not and has in incredible effect on the entirety of the person’s psychological development for the rest of their life. In this way being raised in a loving supporting home could actually be a thread in what is leading to our suicide problem.
  13. Because suicide is not a direct symptom of depression. It becomes an option for some people to deal with trauma- chronic depression being one. Our soldiers have given us a very good window into the phenomenon. If you go case by case it was completely baffling at first.
  14. You are absolutely incorrect. I’m saying the opposite and it’s backed up by $ Billions of research trying to figure out why our soldiers were killing themselves.
  15. If you’re Japanese age 18-34 your brackets leading cause of death is suicide. However Japanese people in that age bracket are rarely clinically depressed. Suicide is a function for some people more than others of realizing that the world you expect and believe to be true has ceased to be. If youre a poor field worker and you loose everything, well that’s just the average Tuesday. Their life is not affected y anything the lose. If you’re perhaps an Emperor who lost his empire, a criminal who was caught and facing jail or your child is in mortal danger, the story is different
  16. You’re making the mistake of equating suicide with depression. They are separate events entirely and while suicide can be a way some in chronic depression deal with their depression they are not causal. People who witnessed the Killing Fields in Cambodia lost their actual will to see and became blind but did not kill themselves.
  17. Well, the problem is that those people are not happy. Lik, at all in any fathomable way. They are “happy” at times in the same way a child from the streets of Calcutta is “happy”. If you ask them would they prefer their life to another, they will literally start breaking down in tears and tug at you pant cuffs begging you to take them with you. There’s a reason The Buddha saw that “Life is suffering”. i knew some guys who rode motorcycles thru Eastern Europe to South Asia for a coupe months. At times they would stop and say hi to the locals in the fields and take video/pics. No one spoke each others languages but you would see women hunched over working the fields and the land was breathtaking. At first they took pictures because they thought “damn, this is how things were 100 yrs ago”. Well, the people would be friendly but often would become very excited asking for help, telling the camera to tell the world about how desperate things were there, the crimes that were taking place or handing them some crop they pulled from the earth to give to our scientists to help them. Well, “asking” isn’t the right word, more like hysterically weeping and begging. The stopped talking to locals in the fields and though to themselves “damn, this is how things were 100 yrs ago…”.
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