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Doc Reeves

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Doc Reeves

  1. Right, now. ‘Beats’ was an incredibly shitty line of headphones developed by Monster cables, then they got Dr. Dre to pretend to have something to do with the audio when he just sold them his name and said what he liked and didn’t about a few pair of prototypes. Beats were shit but fuck it “we legit” now and sales exploded. Dre then double dealt Monster by making a deal with Apple in the Billions which almost got cancelled because dipshit went on insta and announced it drunk with a buddy despite Apples strict insistence on secrecy. Oops. So now Apple sells Dre ‘Beats’ headphones which are still absolute shit and Dre is fighting over his money with his soon to be ex-wife because Dre didn’t get a prenup- in fucking CA.
  2. Lol. You don’t cheat on your wife because you respect her. Harsin gets away with it because he has kids in their teens, he makes all the money thereby has all the social status and she has no identity of her own or worthwhile skills that can give her any autonomy. We call that a “ Cage of Gold” Harsin’s wife best course of action is to go make Coach a sandwich.
  3. In my time we called that the ‘ol Chester Cheetah
  4. Gate is clearly on the drive. Counts as closed /mywife
  5. knowing my daughters imagination, probably worse
  6. So Jim kicked himself in the dick and now his foot might be stuck.
  7. Additionally with the portal you can expect attrition at the skill positions earlier. put the resources in the lines, build from there.
  8. Nah, there’s something there having to do with the investigation. Not sure what but the investigators are just not talking about something for some reason. The thing about being on the sideline of cases is that the cops always know more than anyone else until shit is resolved at trial.
  9. She just lost her mom. We’ve been.
  10. I mean, the thread title literally says “Stupid shit they say”
  11. I’m watching some TV while cleaning up kid shit in the living room last night. Wife is with the 2, 4.5yo girls on our bed playing. I hear footsteps and my wife turns the corner with a pissed look on her face. My immediate thought is “Ugh, what have i done now….” Me: “Is everything OK?” Wife: “I’m fine. Don’t talk to me.” Me: “You sure? You sound upset” Wife: “YOUR daughter kicked me out of the fairy Forrest even though i was Queen and created the damn thing in the first place. It was MY fairy Forrest. I just can’t believe it, she obviously gets that from your side. I’m just not sure i can handle being in a house with 2 people who act so inconsiderate and just can’t sympathize with me after all the nice stuff I do and treat me like crap!” Me (calling from where i stood): “Daughter, did you kick momma out of the Fairy Forrest?” Daughter (who has no idea anything is wrong calls back): “Huh? No Dadda, I asked momma to get off the bed so i could make it nice for her because she is the best momma in the world and i love her and she is beautiful! Momma… where did you go??” Me: “Defiantly my side.”
  12. HHAHAHAHAH… yeah bud. Plan on being deliriously tired for the next 3 years. Congrats bud. It like painfully drowning in a pool of wonderful
  13. From what I’ve gathered, deals are payed out over time and is usually not always necessary guaranteed money. The revenue generated is quite literally the organizations business
  14. You’re tellin me. When it comes down to it all anyone really needs is a case of peanut butter and 3 puppies
  15. Such can be said of a man who only speaks the Truth….
  16. You’re very accurate and honest and I mostly agree with your assessment. cheers to you for that. What I was discussing is more a matter of salesmanship. OU had big name players light it up on stage. You can try and make excuses because, say, a teams OL sucked so their decent QB got knocked around all season and all the WR numbers kinda shitty even though they improved as a unit. “Those are just excuses, look at the tape, etc... “
  17. Good for the players and all- but there are few things in my life I’ve gotten more mileage out of than my Reebok #5 jersey I got when James Brown was named the starter in 1995. Every new season it’s somebody
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