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definitely not derka

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About definitely not derka

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  1. wait, honest question- the wnba has a trans player actively playing? i had no idea that was the case.
  2. right now the yellow wall is behind the goal that dortmund is defending.
  3. 0/3 yellow cards were needed. let’s let this be decided by the players.
  4. it’s dumb that both teams will play the second half with the opposing teams fans behind the goals they will scoring on.
  5. again, lebron isn’t trying to get anyone to take him seriously as an athlete. and again, i’m simply relaying my experience as a non-wnba fan in regards to what i’ve been exposed to. i only get exposed to the league when i’m watching espn or perusing twitter or IG. all three of those platforms have shown me 90/10 fashion/basketball. you’re acting like i’m attacking these women when i’m simply pointing out that they’re going about being taken seriously as athletes all wrong.
  6. the men aren’t trying to convince anyone to take them seriously as athletes.
  7. yeah he’s been an aggie his whole life. yuck.
  8. i’m definitely not complaining. just pointing out that a lot of stuff that these women do undermines their whole, “take our sport seriously!” thing. probably good for eyeballs/attention. not great for being taken serious as athletes.
  9. ibb counting against pitchers is dumb.
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