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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by GSU&UT

  1. This thread is so damn awesome, even if it doesn't necessarily net a lot of votes. Rick Martin, a Bernie surrogate, and Nina Turner showed up to a rural black church about 30 minutes outside Columbia, SC and gave speeches to a very small crowd. This town of Jenkinsville only has something like 44 people that live there and it's so damn awesome to see they're trying to even reach out to the fairly rural Black Belt population.
  2. Not sure, there sure as hell have been multiple protests about various issues though. At Bernie's rally in Richmond Virginia there were weird Q-Anon and Second Amendment gun nuts out in front of the gymnasium where he spoke.
  3. Sorry to hear about that. Do I think they're going to change anyone's minds? Probably not, maybe even piss you off to vote against whatever for spite. But this is the United States and it isn't going to kill you to be uncomfortable for a few seconds and if you believe the US is a great country then you should be happy to see people exercising their right to express free speech.
  4. Damn, five leftist and pro-life protesters for each group? Sounds stressful, very pearl-clutching kind of environment.
  5. Are you in Arkansas? Because I just saw a tweet where Bernie protesters were at an Arkansas Bloomberg event. I know you hate Bernie dude, but you really need to step back and take notice of who Bloomberg is and what he represents. I don't care what he says now, he would absolutely depress turnout and actually has the least favorability amongst all the candidates. His only strategy according to his team is to hope for a brokered convention which is going to cause massive problems for the nominee if it isn't the one with the most delegates. https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/democratic-debate-south-carolina-poll/
  6. Damn, people protesting? What is this, America?
  7. Steyer is making a modest wage in comparison to Bloomberg, he's not going to win that battle.
  8. I'm actually thinking the opposite now unless there's a ton of crossover GOP voters that can't be accounted for (e.g. operation chaos stuff). Bernie is doing a lot better in 2020 with black voters but the older more conservative group in South Cackalacky is Biden's absolute base. I cold easily see him winning by 15 points.
  9. There's some active Austin group that is far left that believes participating in the electoral process isn't useful and wants basically a violent revolution right? I'm guessing they're at least somewhat responsible given the "DON'T VOTE" sign.
  10. I'd be shocked if Biden picks up Texas, he has basically not campaigned in any Super Tuesday state and they've been voting early for at least the last week I think. He is banking on winning big in SC and that keeping him in. North Carolina will be close.
  11. I'm prepared for Biden to win by at least 10 points Saturday, but at least two posters on another board I post on that live in South Carolina say they've talked to multiple dipshit Trumpers who are going to vote Saturday for Bernie to "own the libs."
  12. We'll see where Biden stands after Super Tuesday. Bernie may be very lucky so much EV has already taken place and Bloomberg is actually helping him by sucking votes he wouldn't get that would go to Biden.
  13. Biden will probably get a little SC bump but you're right in that he has a huge fundraising problem. Bernie raised over a million dollars during the debate last night, Biden apparently only 250k.
  14. Lol, good lord at this logic. You are still allowing Trump to get a net vote instead of cancelling it because no state is going to go to a third party or write-in.
  15. Fuck yes, now let's do cost of medical school and actual spending power in more equitable countries.
  16. FYI imgur doesn't allow hotlinking on Surly, keep telling you all.
  17. Some hard hitting stuff here
  18. Yeah this is very biased at best, he's not even on the ballot in South Carolina.
  19. Lmao at calling him a Bernie Bro, good lord you are out of your element.
  20. These moderators are doing jack shit lol, this will probably be as bad as the last debate.
  21. Liz kind of sort of went after him a little bit, Pete couldn't wait to open his mouth even though he's going to eat shit in South Carolina, and Biden kind of attacked him because he was asked a question about Bernie's healthcare plan. Also Steyer ended his friendship with Bernie too but he was already running attack ads against him in Nevada before the caucus.
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