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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by GSU&UT

  1. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/04/22/us/politics/elizabeth-warren-student-debt.html?module=inline It's canceling any federally held debt for households whose annual income is less than $100k. I don't get your argument about profit turned, you seriously think people who no longer have huge debt wouldn't be more freed to spend money that could stimulate the economy, or are we holding corporations as some perfect sacrosanct thing because America?
  2. I get that, but he's got a base that likely isn't going to care that much because many of them aren't going to tune in for a single debate. I'd like to see some polling after the first few debates on percentages of people who changed their primary vote based on performance.
  3. Right, you'd have a point if all of us didn't watch Wall Street and the big banks get bailed out for causing most of their own problems in 2008.
  4. Consider me skeptical that the debates will really change much unless Biden calls her a c**t or something and people finally drop him.
  5. If this wasn't happening, you'd probably see more people agree with you.
  6. Seriously, look at this movement.
  7. Holy shit, that last pitch Webb threw looked like a fucking wiffle ball. I rewound and watched it at least five times. He can be our closer now with stuff like that.
  8. Fuck Barstool, but this girl never deserves a moment without someone asking her if she shit her pants.
  9. Yeah I literally got a text from the Beto campaign when he was running for Senate because I had previously voted in Texas. There is absolutely no way that every big candidate doesn't have something like this, it's all about enthusiasm from your base not just blanketly calling people.
  10. Yeah I'm having a very hard time believing that many old white people are going to flip, especially if Bernie or Warren gets the nomination.
  11. One of the most commonly cited arguments that a Nordic version of capitalism with strong social welfare programs wouldn't work in the US is because we're not as homogeneous. Basically we're too racially diverse to enact policies that are used in the Nordic countries. So, 1. we can't make sure everyone has affordable healthcare and ensure our most wealthy contribute their fair share because we have too many non-whites and 2. American has suddenly become the country where we immediately give up on things because they're too hard.
  12. Gotta love that casually racist "homogeny" argument. Aren't we Americans and isn't being a snowflake that's incapable of doing something because it's too hard something to be ridiculed from y'all now?
  13. Sounds good to me, let's use that model and raise taxes on the wealthy.
  14. Imagine looking at the gross amount of inequality in this country and thinking AOC is somehow contributing to that problem. Also imagine ignoring what the Nordic countries do to fight against inequality that unfettered capitalism produces and thinking that won't work here.
  15. Said this a bunch along with many others here, but the Democratic nominee could easily win the EC by just targeting farmers in the mid-west successfully.
  16. LOL. How do you aggressively treat mental health in this country? It's medical care, and only one party is seeking to continue the privatized health care industry that cares extremely little about your well being and much more about profits. I'm sure you will dismiss this as being overly simplistic, but if you look at the countries that have better mental care policies they generally are countries that more evenly distribute the burden of cost through a universal healthcare system.
  17. Hrmm, because one party wants to constantly talk about mental health related to mass murders and yet never want to increase funding via taxes to deal with this mess.
  18. The players just need to stop giving a fuck at this point, something has to happen. This is one of the worst bullpens we've had probably in the past three decades. I was at a bar and got so damn pissed I just paid my tab and left after Minter gave up the save. His ass should be coaching middle school, he shouldn't even be sniffing the grass in a major league ballpark.
  19. Yes, he's easily the most serious poster on this board. If I need a rock solid take without a hint of sarcasm, I tag my friend @Hank Scorpio.
  20. Surprised he even showed up to an event where a non-friendly audience could participate, all these GOP reps lost their balls once they started trying to repeal the ACA because they couldn't handle someone being mean to them. It will be a good day when Grassley passes away.
  21. Someone on here please fucking defense this, what problem is this actually solving?
  22. Watching the NFLTV stream and I can't hear shit from these talking heads, the music is so damn loud in the background.
  23. What in the blue fuck Liz? Creepy
  24. Again, this doesn't mean it isn't a symptom of institutionalized racism. I don't know what your point is other than you seem to be acting like racism is only a thing if you loudly say the N-word or something.
  25. Is this you acting like institutionalized racism doesn't exist again? You can find black people supporting whatever ideas you want, that doesn't mean it didn't have an overwhelmingly disproportionate effect on black men, so much so that that these laws literally had to be reserved with the Fair Sentencing Act.
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