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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by GSU&UT

  1. Wow, been out the whole night and didn't know Riley was playing until earlier today and then found out he homered just now. It seems like damn near every other first MLB game for a Brave has been a homer the past ten years.
  2. Arthur was something I was watching when I was 9 years old and now i have a 2 year old.
  3. Same, heard it but my thought was "damn, they're still making new episodes of Arthur?"
  4. Yep, they all deserved it. Go jump in a pool of liquid concrete.
  5. I'm sure I'll get the libertarian lawyers in here to scold and talk condescending to me how words can never change in meaning and that originalism is a noble and just means of interpreting law, but here's my opinion. Scalia beat his meat about originalism except when he would later contradict himself in subsequent cases. This is what originalism is now to conservatives, it's become completely intertwined with basically just buttressing their platform. https://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/scalias-contradictory-originalism
  6. The dude who wanted to lecture us about who really is a liberal in this country is demonizing teachers unions, you know the real problem why our education system sucks so much for those in areas that...oh wait, what's this, public schools aren't equally funded across our country? https://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2016/08/property-taxes-and-unequal-schools/497333/
  7. Worked on the Bernie campaign in 2016 then felt compelled to run for congress and won at the age of 29. Characterizing as some sort of whiney person who isn't using her degree is almost impressive in its stupidity.
  8. Just a matter of time before we have boots on the ground starting a war with Iran.
  9. I'd say these aren't real liberals, they're hardcore capitalists with a few pet issues mostly for appearances.
  10. Oh no, they'll leave! If your point that we shouldn't let them use tax havens then I agree, hold them accountable! https://blogs.oxfam.org/en/blogs/19-02-01-video-inequality-has-gone-viral-so-what-next
  11. Also, for the people like matt who smugly act like she doesn't have a point because "like 10 people" sounds stupid, https://www.forbes.com/sites/noahkirsch/2017/11/09/the-3-richest-americans-hold-more-wealth-than-bottom-50-of-country-study-finds/
  12. You mean how we all have to pay a heavy monthly premium that our employers don't pick up the entire tab for already? Damn, that'll really upset people.
  13. Reminder that this is conservatives current border policy.
  14. Think Stanford Prison Experiment where you set a school up to look more like a prison and people start acting like it is.
  15. Ugh, this is a legit thing and so many of the conservative posters here wouldn't understand it let alone even acknowledge institutionalized racism.
  16. No they aren't obvious MAGA bots, they generally are more DSA or Warren kind of users.
  17. You are trying to obfuscate, the idea that gun owners in this country that are fighting against regulation are somehow a very diverse group is absolutely not the case. The racial makeup of all gun owners may be fairly non-white, but again they aren't the ones who are pushing back against common sense regulation.
  18. Are you under the impression that these aren't the kind of people that shout the loudest the second they hear the phrase gun control? It really doesn't matter who owns guns when the conversation is being driven by a specific ideological group.
  19. All these new voting disenfranchisement and abortion laws being passed that seem extremely unconstitutional seem to be specifically designed to test the SC or the surge in federal court appointments McConnell held back for years.
  20. I know it's just twitter, but a lot of people I've seen that attack her are black, mostly because of her being a prosecutor and championing policies that jail mothers/parents for their kids being chronic truants and other remarks she's made. I really don't like her either because I really don't get the feeling that she's a true progressive like Warren or Bernie.
  21. Was going to say that I'm pretty certain @bad_teammate owns several kinds of firearms, there are lots of gun owners who know it's time for something to be done and yet the GOP refuses to act even though the NRA is becoming less and less popular.
  22. Was joking, but yeah going from a school where I graduated summa cum laude to a school where you have to work your ass off to get a B (at least in grad school) and not pass your courses (needing a C+ for a pass and have to keep a 3.0 GPA to remain academically eligible) after studying for hours and hours was humbling and caused me to slip into a bad depression. I am so much happier now and don't regret not getting a Masters at least.
  23. Flunk courses, have to get reinstated, then left on my own accord. Probably could have appealed again but I was not wanting to do a PhD after 3 semesters of courses and labwork with having to TA. Thanks for making me feel bad again .
  24. Haha, there are people that were on Shaggy (and here still) that presumably graduated from UT and didn't think humans contribute in any significant way to climate change (oh it's happening but the Earth always goes through warming and cooling cycles). Makes me feel less stupid about flunking out of grad school at UT.
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