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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by GSU&UT

  1. Republicans pushing through an actual poll tax in Florida in 2019 is unsurprising but one of the most infuriating things I've seen thus far. Again I invite anyone to show me this party doesn't outright suppress voting.
  2. And you know, destabilizing the region for the past 100.
  3. Holy shit, yes all these women have gone on record publicly just because they like getting death threats from people you cape for.
  4. I'm sorry, how on earth is giving this admin more money going to improve the lives of these children which we agree is what Americans want? This is the argument, you're acting as if getting this bill across accomplished anything good in comparison to the bill that the majority of the House introduced earlier. You keep ignoring that last part, a better bill was introduced and of course McConnell didn't bring it up for a vote and instead rammed some watered down piece of shit because Pelosi got "promises" from Pence that he for sure will super-duper tell us when children die now. GTFO with this logic, AOC, Talib, Omar aren't causing people to suddenly prefer voting for Republicans now. Where are you even getting this data? Are you even paying attention to how so many people under 50 are trying to push the party left? Who is the biggest group of voters for this upcoming election? https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2019/05/29/gen-z-millennials-and-gen-x-outvoted-older-generations-in-2018-midterms/
  5. Also this sounds like the exact reason why people think Biden the nominee, he doesn't scare off this supposed huge voting bloc of moderates that apparently change their votes on a whim. Districts are flipping because of engagement but also because of changing demographics, I was part of one in GA-06 and that district is likely not going to flip back as long as people are moving to the Atlanta metro. The suburban republicans are not gaining numbers. Cool, glad those members have to eat shit and instead of doing what they feel like is their duty, to push for change that they think is just. Perhaps it's time to stop acting as if every single norm of American political procedure has to be abided by, a bunch of "flippable" districts aren't going to flip back to the GOP in 2020 because an extra 24 hours of debate was asked for by, again, a large bloc of voting members.
  6. Good lord, one day is what people asked, just one day. That is what this is about, not some made up reason about the progressive caucus needing an absolutely perfect bill, just any time to debate the language in a bill that wasn't the one the majority of the House wanted earlier that the Senate didn't take up.
  7. So there was literally no way they could have pushed voting back at least 24 hours to negotiate the language in the bill? I heard interviews with multiple congress members who voted No that said they asked her to do so instead of just trying to GTFO as quickly as possible.
  8. Cool man, keep fucking that chicken and digging your heels in the sand while saying "change isn't possible." If you can't see that she's getting more and more pushback then you're being willfully ignorant. She's also agreed that she wouldn't have the Speaker role for more than 4 years so hopefully it will be a moot point.
  9. 95 Dems objected to the bill passed, this isn't a handful of people who are sick of her dude.
  10. Adam Schiff, fucking anyone who isn't going to kowtow to McConnell and Trump.
  11. Would you sayr she represents 0.0001% of the minority? Good one, now do the one about immigrant children being held in detention centers in conditions worse than a prison.
  12. Probably pissed a lot of people off, but I was really happy to hear this morning that Warren seems to be shifting towards the idea that UHC is not sustainable with private insurance existing. I don't think she'd try to push as hard on this if she were elected, in comparison to Bernie, but she is at least pissing off a lot of these centrist lobbying groups that were throwing their support behind her.
  13. We need smart conservative justices that can call balls and strikes, not these radical liberals! *massive amount of evidence of racial discrimination being used for gerrymandered map in NC* Conservative Justices: This is just too complicated, we can't tell if it's a ball or strike. We are very smart and not garbage human beings that don't deserve to live on this earth.
  14. Yep, fuck every one of you who voted for Trump unless you're 100% okay with voter suppression. This is how the GOP will hold onto power over the next 20 years even after all the old white people start to die off. Edit: Every single Dem candidate in the debates tonight needs to talk about packing the court to fight this, fuck trying to appeal to anyone who thinks that isn't a good idea.
  15. Warren did answer that question around a year after the 2016 election.
  16. I'm with you. Fozz does have a point in that everyone's disgust of Trump is bringing light to issues that did exist before him, but I'm having a hard time believing that Obama acted with any sort of pleasuring in bringing about pain to a vulnerable population like this unlike Trump behind Stephen Miller's doing. They are trying to bring the legal crossings down to a trickle so that people are forced to cross illegally and in ever increasingly dangerous conditions only to have medical treatment intentionally withheld.
  17. Cool, let's get rid of all private insurers no matter how much whine and force everyone to be on the same system then, sounds good to me. But please, continue to be a prick who thinks we can't accomplish what the rest of the developed world has because it's too challenging for us. I hope you never have to deal with fighting an insurance company that doesn't try to screw you over about some out-of-doctor network or hospital because you were too incapacitated to make a decision, or have some clinic say that your insurance would cover a procedure only to have it denied and wind up hitting your ever increasing deductible while your finances are already stretched thin.
  18. I didn't say they were you dipshit, of course private practices would rather deal with insurance companies or just straight up not take insurance (my former psych doc started to do this). I said they at least have the lowest drug prices because the government mandates that they do. The kind of basic thing that is going to happen sooner or later despite how much you whine about difficult it is because we're suddenly a nation of pussies who can't accomplish hard tasks.
  19. Pretty sure these are reasons often cited why unfettered capitalism is harmful, but you do you. FYI Medicaid patients pay the lowest amount for drug prices despite the difficulties they may have in finding private practices that accept this as a form of insurance, but you do you hoss and let those markets fix our healthcare system.
  20. Surreal and then probably dealing with actual crazy people issuing death threats.
  21. How many people do this? There have been numerous stats posted before, but it needs to be shown again. Just because some wealthy may benefit doesn't meant they're the vast majority of who this is targeted for. https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2013/06/student-loan-debt-charts/ And before you do your stupid shtick of painting a popular idea (that is inevitable btw unless we federally mandate college tuition) as the utmost impossible thing our county of quitters can't achieve , I'm not taking a position of all student loan debt should be forgiven. However I'm sick of assholes like yourself that constantly worry about the ones with the most wealth, means, and privilege. I can't count how many people I've met who now have a successful professional career and are now just making enough to pay off hundreds of thousands of dollars in loans (law school, med school, etc.).
  22. LOL, little cry baby getting his flabby man-tits enraged that Megan Rapinoe said (a while ago actually) that she isn't going to the fucking Whitehouse if they win.
  23. So what's your goal in constantly posting stuff like this? To me it seems like a right-wing BUT OBAMA talking point.
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