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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by GSU&UT

  1. Hahaha, 4 run lead in the bottom of the 9th and then we lose it in extra innings. This fucking bullpen has somehow become worse after the trade deadline.
  2. Lol, they're just going to host a job fair that I'm sure all these supposed hard working Americans will attend.
  3. Seeing people trying to even attempt to frame it as illegals taking good paying jobs from Americans, WHEN AMERICANS WON'T EVEN WORK THESE JOBS WITH BETTER PAY, is amazing. Just accept your grotesque, inhumane, flagrantly racist beliefs and quit the bullshit.
  4. Someone attempt to defend this, I fucking dare you.
  5. Slightly different, but Mike Gravel basically told all the Democratic Senators the same thing in 2008. Do your fucking job
  6. The fucking pieces of who did that in Shaggy and do it here are arguably worse than those who depend Trump and the GOP. You cannot ignore how this is every bit a political problem as any other kind when it happens over and over and over and over.
  7. That whole fucking thing is acting as if Bernie was there giving orders. How often does he do anything with the DSA chapters?
  8. As someone in Georgia, every single Georgia Power customer (afaik) has to pay an almost additional 10% on every monthly bill towards the Plant Vogtle expansion. I wish we could at the absolute very least get us off all coal plants in favor of nuclear, but this extremely long expansion should be a warning that it is nowhere near feasible for the US to get more nuclear heavy if we really want to curb our emissions. For all of you who are extremely ~* TAXES ARE THEFT *~, just try selling that to the public lol. And this is after GP and Southern Company got billions in loans from the government like @elfenix said.
  9. Really excited to never see Jackson in the 9th ever again.
  10. I'm going to have to just block twitter in my network settings or something. I just read this and I just can't imagine anyone doing this yet fucking tens of millions of people in this country (and several on this board) think this okay. All the talk about overreacting to everything Trump does by the right, it really feels like we're at an inflection point with the modern Gestapo hunting brown people and the GOP basically openly admitting that trying to secure our election systems is somehow the right thing to do.
  11. Dreading what kind of problems will see that just so happen to occur mostly in "urban" areas.
  12. I have a very hard time people don't know who Warren is at this point given the attacks on her heritage since well before she entered this race, Kamala maybe.
  13. I think we're going to need some starting pitching help and some fucking fielding lessons for Acuna and Ender.
  14. LOL, Williamson went on the Rubin report and absolutely schooled him. Thread has multiple videos
  15. Sweep, 7 games ahead of the Nats now.
  16. Gravel has reached the minimum number of donors threshold to reach the debates. He hasn't met the polling threshold yet, but the teens running his campaign had a broadcast on Twitch earlier that I'll post when it's up.
  17. Meanwhile, that facebook group had the fucking head of the Border Patrol in it.
  18. Yep, gotta grease all the wheels and make sure everyone is happy instead of doing what got you elected in the first place which is fight for what you believe in. Fuck off
  19. Yep, gotta lay back and just take it on the chin and never fight for change.
  20. The entire fucking point is that the majority of Democratic voters want to see him impeached in the house, they want to see their party have the guts to fight him because it inspires them. Why are you refusing to admit that? Literally all of us Democratic voters are telling you this and you just keep on ignoring it.
  21. Why do you idiots keep pointing this out as if we obviously don't know that he would never been confirmed of impeachment in the Senate? The point is to fucking fight, quit worrying about optics because that is never a winning strategy, especially when the current optics are that you're too spineless to oppose him.
  22. Reminder, much of the work undocumented immigrants do, especially in agriculture, is work literally no one else will do even when they tried to pay more (obviously didn't pay enough). https://www.latimes.com/projects/la-fi-farms-immigration/ https://www.cbsnews.com/news/illegal-immigrants-us-jobs-economy-farm-workers-taxes/
  23. Holy fuck David, maybe everyone else noticed this before me but you are the biggest party over country Democrat here. Just fuck off with every single retort of "that's how Washington works" garbage.
  24. Just came to post that, holy christ did I laugh hard. Ross Perot gave Bernie the Excalibur.
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