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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by GSU&UT

  1. On my phone, but earlier I saw some good analysis that this probably goes back a few years and didn't just start in 2019.
  2. I am not a big student of baseball, but I'd think the same and several smarter posters than me have made the same point. There's a few videos of players successfully bunting against a shift, it's not impossible.
  3. Fucking Tata, why did you have to sell your soul to manage this team?
  4. LOLOLOL Jozy you suck so much, jesus
  5. I was following the game on my phone at that point, just refreshing for updates. I think the number of outs reported was incorrect at some point because I saw the runner at 3rd was no longer there and the score was still 4-3. Wish we would have swept them, but yeah this team is in great shape record wise at the break.
  6. Gingrich and McConnell should be spat on everywhere they go, just so almost impressively responsible for how fucked our electoral politics are.
  7. Yep, raise my taxes and take away the almost thousand dollars I pay every month in premiums, it's going to even out and I would (hope) that all this in-network/out-of-network or apparently getting fucked because you called an emergency service when you fainted. https://khn.org/news/bill-of-the-month-man-faints-after-flu-shot-gets-stuck-with-4700-hospital-bill/
  8. Love having my employer based insurance that changes every year or even fucks you over because an out-of-network doctor treated you in an in-network hospital. Can't wait for that to continue to be the norm because apparently paying a premium every month isn't a tax.
  9. We've both talked about this before given our background, but the bootcamps have absolutely proven you don't need a degree to have a career in tech, especially when the unemployment rate is 3.6%.
  10. I feel like some of them have bought into the "they're all snowflakes that need safe-spaces" BS and am guessing a lot of supposed resentment stems from that.
  11. Why do Gen-X hate millennials?
  12. ❤️ Eli so much. Wonder how long it takes for someone to seriously call him an anti-semite again hahaha.
  13. Nothing but respect for my T-1000 Freeze.
  14. Markakis and Riley homering in the 8th, it's uncanny how clutch this team is after the 7th inning. Remember those Mike Minor, Tim Hudson, and Tommy Hanson (RIP) years where they pitched beautifully only for our them to lose the game 2-3 or 3-4? Since last year it's been so damn refreshing to see this team get hits when they needed to. The pitching still needs work, but god damn do these guys know how to scrap for a win.
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