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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by GSU&UT

  1. Fozz, the idea that this makes is somehow okay is laughable. You're being so disingenuous at trying to paint Trump and Obama as the same with regards to how we housed people entering the country. Do you see any posters here claiming that these people were treated with the utmost respect and care under the previous administration and that we've never ever had a problem before 2016?
  2. Bingo, fuck them and everyone who works to help them.
  3. Also, color me a little skeptical that ICE agents are just now waking up to this. I'm sure they see the system more stressed than ever, but this didn't happen yesterday, it's been going on since Trump took office and even before.
  4. Holy shit at saying she's doing nothing when she, Omar, and Talib are literally trying to use their power in the House over the congressional budget to not fund emergency bills for CBP and ICE in addition to bringing this issue back to the spotlight like it deserves. They are doing the exact opposite of nothing, the problem is that they aren't taking some stupid bi-partisan "middle of the road" approach and you don't like it.
  5. LOL, pretty sure AOC, like me, would gladly prefer 1000 immigrants over 1 trump supporter. They do give a shit, you're BUT OBAMA doesn't absolve anyone of the issue. They used it then, even though it wasn't to anywhere near the same degree, and they shouldn't have. AOC hasn't specifically gone out of her way to praise the way Obama's admin handle immigration, you're trying to obfuscate.
  6. Exactly why I said "supposedly" since this article came out how a lot of employers complaining about the applicant pool is because of their own bullshit. https://www.vox.com/2019/1/7/18166951/skills-gap-modestino-shoag-ballance
  7. Cool man. These aren't mobsters no matter how much rich people want to paint them, they're a necessary resource to protect your basic rights as a worker against companies that absolutely do not care about your well-being.
  8. I think probably most everyone ITT would agree that you shouldn't need college to have a life where you gain savings. I think most would agree that many of their college-educated-required entry-level jobs didn't really take a college education to be able to perform. The biggest thing in all of this that I wish more people would talk about (at least those who bring up the college isn't for everyone argument) is that most large white-collar employers require a college degree. There are only so many lab tech, trade skill, etc. jobs out there, and yes I am aware that there supposedly isn't enough skilled labor to fill these jobs. The good thing is that due to the economy, at least the employers are finally starting to realize they have to pay for kids to go to a trade school and/or offer much better benefits.
  9. Yes it's not 75%, but 53-41 in an election is a double digit landslide victory and I'm viewing it through that lense. I think you'd agree.
  10. To me, who did white boomers overwhelmingly vote for? Are you going to tell me they haven't been voting almost straight GOP since Clinton? White millennials aren't too much better in this graph, but they've at least started to strongly shift away from the GOP.
  11. Bingo bango bongo. Don't lecture younger people when the overwhelming majority of you (at least the white boomers who complain the most) voted for Reaganomics, gutting unions, ignoring or outright denying climate change, etc.
  12. Whoo boy, scoring 4 runs in the 7th abd the 8th. At least the lineup knows how good they are, not so much the pitching.
  13. Every single one of you who reads this and wants to argue concentration camp semantics or replies "but Obama!!!!" needs to get the fuck off the Earth. We are committing crimes against a population where people need to be tried at The Hauge.
  14. We just somehow got Hunter and Reddish, god damn!
  15. B-b-b-but they aren't concentration camps, they're biohazard camps!!! Fuck off anyone who is trying to obfuscate by debating semantics or event attempting to claim migrants were treated like this during Obama's administration.
  16. I was strictly talking about mental health in that post, but yes I agree. There are a million things we could discuss, NIMBYs, zoning, laws about loitering, etc. The laughable idea that providing housing is not the solution to help people get back on their feet because that, I guess, rewards their bad behavior of being an addict is downright dumb. Of course not 100% of people are going to end up turning their life around, but the Vox article I linked cities multiple studies and programs where they've shown this has a tremendous positive effect on homelessness, and it's cheaper than policing homeless people breaking laws.
  17. You are completely missing the point of whatever is driving the homelessness is not going to be solved by fucking charities and grants UNLESS we can increase funding. It's going to take money and that is going to have to be raised through taxes. That's my point, I don't care how much you know the local group you see in your area, the main thread is that we aren't spending enough, we expect our police forces and hospitals to treat these people instead of paying actual social workers and mental health professionals to do nothing but work with the homeless population. The states that expanded medicaid (surprise) have the best outcomes of treating metal health in this country. You live in Texas, I live in Georgia, neither of our shitty states have done this.
  18. Cool, so are you voting for candidates that say they will be able to tackle the mental health issue in this country by ensuring everyone pays their "fair share?" Oh I see, you're just doing the disingenuous bullshit of the MARKETS will fix this and so will charity? Please tell me about what I do as well, married to a social worker and we've lived in both Austin and the Atlanta areas. These issues are not just "local" they're a fundamental problem where there is no where near enough resources funded by a wealthy tax base to ensure that addicts/homeless/and those suffering from severe mental health issues are supported. Charities and non-profits aren't helping anywhere near enough.
  19. Actually for a majority of the homeless, giving them a home is a temporary stop gap, and they end up back on the street due to addiction/mental illness. While there are definitely the homeless due to a temporary economic issue, most of them are chronically homeless due to other issues. You have to treat the underlying issue, and has been noted a lot here, our mental health system is a fucking joke. Where to start. It's a stop-gap that allows them to get sober and their shit together, where on earth are you getting this data that suggests housing doesn't help the "majority?" Our mental healthcare system is a joke because people like you don't want to pay taxes that would actually go into creating a much more robust social safety net. https://www.vox.com/2014/5/30/5764096/homeless-shelter-housing-help-solutions
  20. Always wondered how Florida isn't trending more blue given the demographics and then we went on a vacation to Orlando and also visited my MIL's friends that live in The Villages (despite being liberal). Just absolutely disgusting how many old white rich fucks flock there and keep pushing the state more Red.
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