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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by GSU&UT

  1. Almost like this whole narrative doesn't pan out in real life.
  2. Bernie bro harassment must have really worked on these members I bet.
  3. Also this person works for the Nevada Democratic party and saying there's definitely not a problem with a volunteer shortage.
  4. Just straight up not even trying to hide their bias, yet it's a conspiracy to say he doesn't get fair media coverage.
  5. I think since Reagan the Dems have done a very poor job of actually helping material interests of working people minus a few key pieces of legislation. For as much credit as we can give Nancy pelosi she literally will not even bring a Medicare for all bill to have even a floor vote, not try to pass it in the house even.
  6. and I'm speaking to the idea that Bernie is somehow going to undo all the work the Democratic party has done just because he used the phrase "Democratic establishment." It's foolish and grasping at straws.
  7. I mean, how is this even possible even in an exit poll? I was told Bernie alienates all the moderates and conservatives in the party. Yes major grain of salt still
  8. I was told on Surly thar Bernie has to get 70 plus percent of all votes in order to have even a snowball's chance in hell of beating Trump.
  9. I can completely understand if you don't like Sanders because of his messaging and you shouldn't vote for him if you really don't want to, but this is what he has been saying since 2016 and I don't expect him to stop now especially as he's gaining in polls.
  10. How many people are in the party right now that literally voted on the civil rights legislation? The establishment of the party has significantly moved towards the center, this is a fact and it is what Bernie is speaking to.
  11. Please tell me how they're the exact same. https://readsludge.com/2020/02/10/fact-check-does-bernie-sanders-get-support-from-big-money-super-pacs/
  12. What exactly is your complaint? Bernie is somehow correct with his position to wind down our war mongering foreign policy and that is actually going to benefit Russia and therefore he is not the best candidate?
  13. @triplehorn @Biff Tannen going to need y'all to get people to condemn this wretched attack on front-runner here.
  14. Wait until you see his very scientifically accurate youtube video posts in the climate thread.
  15. I mean I definitely believe that Russia wants to help split the Democratic party in the general chaotic sense by pushing the candidate who isn't aligned with the current party structure. I don't think anyone on Surly is suggesting this, but I have seen a bunch of dipshits acting as if Bernie is going to be somehow a puppet for Russia though because he supposedly honeymooned there when Burlington and Yaroslavl, Russia were sister cities.
  16. Hell freaking yes, getting the Marry Poppins, DVD show, Diagnosis Murder vote
  17. LMAO, Bloomberg literally ran an ad days ago whining about Bernie accounts.
  18. He literally did it to try and reform the rules knowing he full well wouldn't get the nomination. Do you remember what came out of the convention in 2016?
  19. I posted a stat in the Nevada or General Dem election thread, but if you earned $5000 a day and started in 1492 you still wouldn't have a billion dollars in the year 2020. In order to match Bloomberg's net worth at this rate, it would take you 34,387 years.
  20. There is literally no evidence this was Bernie either, it's not like fucking Warren didn't slam him 10x as much as Bernie did. Why on earth couldn't these vandals be supportive of her? Posting on Twitter and contributing to a ratio isn't harassment and some of you need to grow thicker skin. I've seen some of the nastiest shit posted as attacks over Texas football games between Shaggy and Surly and somehow we aren't banning people left and right of anger.
  21. The one thing Bernie would fucking do is end the CIA from tampering in so many damned countries' regimes and elections and that is a net win for the world. To sit her and worry about Russia because we aren't going to maintain a constant presence in the middle east for the next several generations is gross and completely glosses over the insane amount of death and destruction we've completely led.
  22. I'm literally not talking about the convention, I'm talking about his strength in the general against Trump which you've written him off in just two states into this primary. You've gone on record saying that he is not popular enough to beat Trump, literally none of the candidates are any better than Bernie if you look at national polling.
  23. Bernie got 30,000 people to show up between two different rallies on the same day. It's insane that you think that he is to be the least popular candidate, just because so many of you were conservative until Trump came along doesn't mean the rest of us are. If you are so worried about another four years of Trump, I hope that you're going to help get the vote out for Bernie if he gets the nomination.
  24. lol yes Bernie's holdout actually forced Super Delegates off the first ticket, he was smart and that was good. He had no chance of securing the nomination and knew that but wanted reforms. Bloomberg basically just doesn't want Sanders to win, he doesn't give a shit about Trump.
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