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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by GSU&UT

  1. Jimmy, he's a fucking Republican because he isn't one of the most racist policing policies in NYC and only had to see it when the courts told him to.
  2. Ding ding, my Bernie Bro ass would be enthusiastic to vote for anyone who isn't Bloomberg, he really makes the others look good by comparison.
  3. I'm not saying they don't, but there is a huge group of black people who have very publicly come out and said that they will not vote for Bloomberg under any circumstance. This isn't some Bernie or Bust adjacent thing, these are real people who think every candidate besides Bloomberg would improve their lives vs Trump.
  4. There is a lot of blow-black from non-white people on that too if you bother to look.
  5. I'm sorry but have you literally listened to any black people on this subject? You posted a tweet from Ben Dixon in the other thread mocking that DSA Twitter guy for getting Elijah Cummings and John Lewis confused, take a look at his twitter timeline.
  6. Cool, now let's look at real wage increases that have barely kept up with inflation vs. CEO pay, the cost of healthcare rising (BEFORE the ACA was implemented), the cost of tuition, the complete dismantling of unions under Reagan and others, the federal minimum wage being worth damn near nothing, etc etc. Almost like the country isn't the same as it once was.
  7. Her big ideas are tax credits for students with massive debt, and that's about it. They got theirs, fuck those snowflake millennials.
  8. Lol Klobuchar isn't coming in second in Nevada, holy shit.
  9. lol, god damn bros and their toxicity, oh wait that was a Trump supporter?
  10. That is a very bad poll for Biden, Pete, and Warren that they're so low with the old crowd. I bet Steyer takes second, he's spent a shitload advertising there.
  11. Yep, Nevada only started using the caucus format in 2008. Can't wait for them to double down on this inevitable shitshow.
  12. I think this is the third different story to come out over the past week or so about volunteers and captains still being in the dark as to how these iPads and "tool" will be used. If they have any problems then they were warned on multiple occasions.
  13. Dude, upload it to another image hosting site, imgur hotlinking doesn't work here.
  14. How is the person with the widest appeal not going to freaking win a crowded primary? Isn't that literally the point of holding a primary over all 50 states? I don't get this argument at all, it' speaking more about you and less about actual people who are showing up to vote.
  15. Dude is shook. Damn near everyone who is committed to a Democratic candidate that isn't him despises him on Twitter. Imagine how much Trump's redneck Twitter army will get under his skin.
  16. So the video is going to be played and that guarantees Trump the election? What is your criticism here, that the US having relations with USSR is now supposedly toxic?
  17. As much as he is the face of the movement, he literally started getting cranky at that rally in Mesquite when they started chanting Bernie! Bernie! He knows he has to build a movement that is sustainable and he can't be a demagogue, he's old as shit and, I believe, sincerely wants people to believe in a working class movement and not him.
  18. @bad_teammate not sure if you listen to the Trillbillies podcast (not sure if I've asked that before) but I'm sure you're aware of it. On their latest Patreon episode they released today they're interviewing Sturgill Simpson and not even 5 minutes in they have him talking shit about J.D. Vance lol.
  19. It's going to be a major crapshoot if people question these supposed preloaded totals on the iPads and they have to go and dig up the physical paper ballots. I like the early voting because it always is helpful to let people who normally couldn't attend, but this is assistance on using iPads is going to probably cause as many headaches as they had in Iowa.
  20. I don't get it, I guess it's a bad look he's silencing her?
  21. Hey, a few of us have been saying that for quite some time. Not even trying to really blame Pete in all this honestly because Lis Smith seems like the kind of crazed person who is just doing whatever she wants.
  22. If she wasn't a horrible person I'd have massive amount of respect for that kind of chaotic evil energy.
  23. It's not impossible, I just literally have no faith that insurance companies, unless they're forced by law to have almost zero power, are going to willingly just take a step back. You can get annoyed with me all you want and use your superficial woke scolding language, but I have no trust in these companies to do anything moral ever. A tremendous number of younger people feel the same way, I don't care how much you want to explain to me that the Western European countries use some hybrid model. After having so many issues from just getting ear tubes with my daughter and her immediately having a deductible after she was born, I want them to be wiped off the face of the earth.
  24. It's just amazing that self-described moderates come in here and criticize her understanding of economics as if there aren't well respected economists who agree with AOC. This is while we race down a primary cycle where one man has spent over 300 million dollars and people seriously think this is good and that he should be the next president of the United States. We're at a point where extreme measures are going to have to be taken, a bunch of little small steps because well off white people think we can't rock the boat too much is not going to fix our climate, our health care system, the massive inequality, the insane little that the federal minimum wage is set at, etc.
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