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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by GSU&UT

  1. He got high as hell, but I don't disagree with that. However, Gordon should have won just for this though,
  2. Whatever happens, Aaron's 360 dunk off the backboard has to be the best of the night.
  3. Which economic course did you take that says that says the grotesque inequality in this country is something that is sustainable? Also weren't you the poster who literally advocated against giving the homeless housing to try and solve the problem because everyone else took personal responsibility and worked hard for their livelihoods?
  4. Account says they're working on sharing access to it.
  5. I've said this before but do you seriously think a system that still enables private insurance is going to somehow work out magically for us? These companies are just going to accept a smaller role? Unless we strip then of virtually all their power I don't want them to have a seat at the table, they've shown literally nothing that would convince me they would play along. It's almost as if those European countries don't have decades of history where private health insurers became the most powerful entities in their respective countries. Cigna has to be knee-capped, not offered a seat at a new table.
  6. I was watching it live on Youtube. I kind of expected it to be his same old speech, which it was in content, but holy hell was that crowd energized. At one point there was a lady near the stage that must have fainted or collapsed so he stopped speaking, asked EMT to quickly get to her, and then literally tried to start walking down with his thermos filled with water to her. She was fine and I thought that it was a good moment for him but might kill the energy. I'll be damned if the crowd wasn't twice as loud when he hit his usual points after that. He wins Texas and California on Super Tuesday then, man, It's looking good.
  7. Well the good news is that we're only two states into this primary cycle. This comment though, I've seen so much of this on twitter from black and brown men who were stopped in NYC during Bloomberg's administration and they are simply trying to amplify their message so that at the very least we aren't having to choose between him and Trump in November. Benjamin Dixon, the man who simply took the video of his Aspen Institute comments and shared it on twitter that went viral, lives in Atlanta and has said he's trying to mend any friendships he's lost over this primary to at the very least ensure that Bloomberg isn't the nominee. He got attacked for being a Bernie guy and a progressive on that stupid CNN clip, and right now he's trying his damnedest to get the word out to hopefully combat Bloomberg's advertising campaign.
  8. It's a long shot, but if Bernie can win the nomination and make Trump have to defend Texas whoo boy.
  9. GA and FL are both over a month away. No one's numbers are good there at this point, Bloomberg's are arguably inflated, Biden is in a death spiral, and freaking Pete and Amy are even lower. Why do you keep acting like he needs to be leading in every state? Do you not understand there will be moment in a primary this crowded?
  10. Isn't the idea that you don't want to lose your home state and possibly hurt your senate re-election chances?
  11. He isn't but that doesn't mean they can't write him in. I doubt 6% of voters do that though, I'd agree.
  12. Personally if you want to vote Libertarian as a protest vote then you have an obligation to vote for Darryl Perry
  13. If Bernie is the only viable candidate after the first round in lots of precincts then he sweeps in that precinct. Polling 25% or higher with all but one other above 15% is good.
  14. lol I see were just wildly speculating now instead of looking at actual data
  15. Florida has moved solidly GOP too, just enormous amounts of old whites that keep moving there, read up about The Villages .The only possible saving grace is restoring felon voting rights but the Florida Supreme Court is Red and probably going to basically make that impossible for many.
  16. What was that poll in Texas again?
  17. Yep, this is basically self-censorship at this point.
  18. Yeah that's a good point, makes it easy to call him a coward.
  19. I seriously think he may not appear on stage given how many attacks will be lobbed his way. He's also a hell of a lot shorter than I realized, he's about as short as me and I know my short-ass would have a hard time gaining support on just a purely superficial physical appearance level.
  20. Glad to see you back and just as mad as ever.
  21. He's an unabashed racist as much as Trump is, just more articulate and a hell of a lot more wealthy. He may remove concentration camps at the border, but he's probably going to follow up that by drug testing any single person who receives a single dollar in federal aid.
  22. Yes dude, totally a staunch liberal who has never shown any racist ideology https://www.cnn.com/2012/02/21/us/new-york-muslim-surveillance/index.html
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