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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by GSU&UT

  1. New video every few hours at this point. It's like Moore's Law for oppo research.
  2. Lol talking about food lines like people aren't literally starving in this country because they don't make enough at their jobs and social welfare programs have been severely cut the past 20 to 30 years.
  3. Like we've mentioned, #2 has been less and less effective even if this time it's someone who calls himself a Democratic Socialist. Bernie isn't an unknown quantity at this point, it's not like hundreds of thousands of people are suddenly going to only hear about him and his political leanings after the Convention. It is, yes, quite possible suburban white fats are going to be scared of Bernie and that could very well cost him their votes, but every single one of the candidates running has some kind of baggage that is going to hurt turnout somewhere.
  4. Mini Mike absolutely kills me, and I say that as a 5'4" manlet.
  5. More data that this concern about Bernie's SoCiAliSm scare is mostly found amongst pundits and the DNC and less an actual worry among normal people.
  6. It would open the door for any billionaire to replicate the process, someone like Zuckerberg who has just as much money would be 47. That seems like a dystopian path.
  7. Nah, that would never work in the US. Plus they're all white and all the colored folks here would screw that up. /Surly Centrists
  8. Correct take. He wasn't mayor 30 years ago, I'm not stupid enough to believe he changed his views wildly overnight.
  9. Not big enough imo, it's a percentage that is slowly shrinking from the overall picture as more younger and more diverse people come of voting age. These were the people who were actively courted last time and couldn't stomach Hillary enough to stop Trump, I don't think it's fair to all the other groups of people of color and extremely poor who are much dire straights to entertain this idea that the only way to beat Trump is by tone policing on social media.
  10. Jayapal would be my pick in a heartbeat if she could run.
  11. Given that Bernie isn't going to outspend Bloomberg by any means he'll have to accept some loses somewhere and use his funds wisely. There's no chance that Bloomberg doesn't pickup a lot of delegates and probably a couple of states on Super Tuesday with spending damn near half a billion dollars at this point.
  12. Okay, fair, but this isn't 2016 and he knows that he got destroyed in the more diverse states last time and therefore is focusing on changing that. If Bloomberg beats him by two or three points in Oklahoma but barely makes it above 15% and loses by possibly double digits in California then that more than makes up the difference.
  13. I don't think Sanders is supposed to win Oklahoma, Arkansas, or Alabama. You can tell what he's focusing on by where's had his huge rallies, mostly the biggest super Tuesday states. It's been North Carolina, Texas, California, and Washington. Virginia is probably where he needs to focus next given that poll that just dropped showing him tied with Blooms.
  14. I donated to Warren and my wife is pretty much still committed to voting for Warren and is a social worker. She's 36, uses social media less frequently than me, and I don't think I've ever heard her complain about Bernie Bros probably because she rarely watches cable news. I've no idea if you're even white, but god damn the only people I have heard complain about Bernie Bros are generally well off white people who at at least 45 if not outright boomers. They're savvy enough to use social media and just cannot fathom why he has a rabid fan base or they do absolutely no research of their own outside of listening to media pundits who cannot stand the fact that they get ratio'd on twitter. I try not to be a dick unless I know for a fact someone is being disingenuous and wouldn't ever vote for Bernie (usually never-Trumper conservatives), but for so many of us, and there are a lot of women who get nasty as shit on twitter in defense of Bernie, this isn't some game. This is real life and death situations and we aren't going to move forward enough, especially with climate change, with little steps. I've said this before, I don't care if you don't vote for Bernie and don't want to vote for him in the general because we were the ones who were blamed for Trump, even though I and damn near ever Bernie supporter I know voted for Hillary. I can only tell people like your wife to really look at who is the most passionate, even on twitter, because it's a hell of a lot of non-white people and women. This isn't 2016, it's 2020 and you'll see how many people who really inspires by taking a look at who shows up to his rallies in Texas, Nevada, Washington, California.
  15. Because this is a repeat of 2016 in reverse. The Democrats though Trump would be the easiest to defeat, Hillary and Bill wanted him to win, and they completely failed to see what actually appealed to enough people. Republicans think saying Socialist enough times over (which is what they've done since Obama and it doesn't work as well anymore) about someone who will lean into that label will be enough.
  16. I mean I haven't seen really anything about him in Nevada though, I'm sure he's been there at least once since NH but running to South Carolina really makes me think he's just given up. Steyer is the one spending like crazy on advertising apparently and most people on the ground there think he's going to do well.
  17. Yeah, that is a huge outlier though with all the national polling that indicates Bernie is clear and away strongest with Latinos and the other Data for Progress poll in Nevada. Biden is barely campaigning (if at all?) in Nevada and I'd be shocked if he even came in second.
  18. The first answer media pundits give is Stacey Abrams. I love her, but I have doubts as to how much she'd carry on an unabashed DSA style agenda. Tammy Baldwin has been suggested as she has been very publicly in support of M4A and would hopefully push just as hard but hasn't come out in support of a GND yet I think. My idea pick would be one of the progressive House members that are eligible like Ro Khanna although he isn't super charismatic. I don't want a John Tyler situation where Bernie is suddenly sidelined or can't run for a second term and you wind up blunting a lot of this huge leftist energy we're seeing from all kinds of working people. Nina Turner actually would be the best because she's clearly #2 in terms of the energy she brings to his rallies (and yes that is her job) but she would drop dead before she gave up the fight for progressive legislation, however I think her lack of experience may keep that from happening (although Stacey doesn't have much more).
  19. Yep, that is an insane number between the Bay Area and Tacoma/Seattle.
  20. When is Bernie going to disavow traffic Bros? Such toxicity!
  21. @Anastasis You asked for that full article about M4A in the Lancet? Here it is, https://imgur.com/a/du4CTxs
  22. Lol, why isn't one person out of 9 winning by 90%? We're fuuuucked!!!
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