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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by GSU&UT

  1. Dude, no offense, but the only place I felt listened to was when I worked for a non-profit and got paid less than 30,000 a year. This is some "invisible hand" kind of crap that doesn't reflect reality.
  2. Pretty sure Germany has a law where workers reps must occupy 50% or 51% of a board's makeup. The idea is that the board doesn't completely fuck over the workers who get absolutely no say when we've been gutting unions since Reagan.
  3. Owners can make as much money as they want within reason, Bloomberg spending damn near half a billion dollars and him basically earning that back within a year or less is grotesque inequality and what Bernie constantly talks about.
  4. She HATES him so much and it was obvious in the other debates. She has no respect that he was only a mayor and is running for president.
  5. He's very desperate to me it seems, but everyone is flinging shit.
  6. I guess it's good for Bloomberg to not have a strong reaction to any of these attacks, but he comes off as a sociopath at the same time.
  7. LOL, Liz going after Pete now.
  8. Reminder that Pete literally faked black endorsements.
  9. LOL Pete, you're polling damn near zero with Black and Latino people
  10. Holy shit is he a terrible public speaker. He cannot survive if he keeps going on TV.
  11. We'll see, it sure as hell hasn't hurt his polling.
  12. FYI this Culinary Union story was so bad that they didn't double check their claims. Tweeting your anger may be annoying, it may turn people away, but isn't a threat.
  13. He's an old-ass dude and has old-ass dude problems, anything that just confirms this is going to be used against him. Bloomberg could the next day blanket the airwaves about Bernie's blood pressure or kidney levels and how he's not fit to run.
  14. Damn dude, that confirms it. Definitely not like McKinsey hasn't been involved in numerous scandals.
  15. If he starts this and no one else follows up then he's made a gross miscalculation. If Biden, Liz, and Bloomberg do this then he looks like a stubborn asshole and I can buy that criticism if he doesn't releasing anything. You're the one getting extremely hung up on what medical records exactly mean and can't take his doctors letters as being in good faith. Maybe I am getting defensive but I do think it won't matter in the end. It's Surly, I spend probably half my time between here and another board and I like to post. I don't mind arguing about politics anymore and enjoy it.
  16. It's almost like there's actual pressure when you're the only one not participating and that isn't the case here, huh imagine that.
  17. Because everyone else started to? I already pointed out that no other candidate has released anymore detailed medical history, they've all basically released these same kinds of letters. If we get to a point where the older candidates start releasing extremely detailed histories and Bernie is the last guy and refuses then there is at least a lot more evidence to attack him about hiding something or being hypocritical.
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