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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by GSU&UT

  1. There is strong evidence Pete was at least tangentially involved with that bread price fixing scandal but because he released a very generic summary we'll never know. Bernie released three letters, but yeah this is a much bigger deal. Like I said, if you and Hank were on his staff you'd have him apologizing constantly for every single thing he's been criticized for and he would be polling dead last. There is no upside to doing this, you say he's already going to have attack ads against him. Literally why release anything showing him he's an old man so that even more attack ads can be written? It makes no sense and no one cares. If they do they wouldn't have ever voted for Bernie in the first place.
  2. Ohh okay, even though lots of lawyers say that he wouldn't face any legal consequence for doing so. And he released only very basic summaries of what he did. What is he hiding?!!!!!! See how that sounds? But yes, continue to lecture us on Bernie's strategy though, if he had you on their team he'd been on a nation-wide apology tour and polling dead last.
  3. Literally the only thing you can get mad at him is not phrasing it correctly because he said "full records" and released physician summaries, basically what everyone else has done. If you aren't going to support Bernie because of this since it seems untrustworthy then you were never going to support him in the first place, this is just cable news fodder that clearly hasn't affected his polling. If you think this is going to hurt him then I'd invite you to see how he literally rose in polling from second to first after his "heart attack."
  4. You've posted several times about Bernie needing to be transparent, do you not honestly remember people pushing for Pete to break his NDAs with his work at McKenzie, and he basically only released a summary? Does this not seem similar at all?
  5. He should do this when Pete breaks his NDAs, how about that?
  6. he released his tax records, show that he made a couple million off his book, and Republicans are now going to use that 100% against him to say he's a millionaire and that he cannot represent the working classt. this is dead simple
  7. Is this going to be like when Bernie was supposed to release his tax returns and then finally did and not one peep? This literally just gives Republicans ammo, do you not honestly see that?
  8. Bloomberg has had more than one stent put in, Biden looks like he's honestly confused every time he speaks. Why is it that we aren't seeing the media press them? Castro getting eviscerated for suggesting Biden might not be the most cognizant person. Bernie is doing three to four rallies a day sometimes literally across the country, I'm not too concerned about his health.
  9. FYI no other candidate has released anything more detailed than this. It was apparently a huge deal when people ask the same of Hillary when she had that scare.
  10. I'm not saying I will sit outt, I'm saying if the DNC tries to screw out the most popular candidate even if that isn't Bernie then they will get what they deserve. It doesn't contradict what I said. If you don't think that there are a ton of people who think Bernie supporters will vote for Trump to intentionally have him when reelection and not just sit out then I don't know what to tell you. I also appreciate you not looking at the poll I've just posted either, at this point you're just going on gut speculation because one thing showed that Bernie supporters were less likely the most candidates besides Yang to maybe not support the eventual nominee
  11. Yes and that's just a bunch of whining and gross speculation at this point based on one questionnaire that was taken, what, at least a month ago? If you're only worried about this becasue you think the DNC may play games and screw over the candidate who comes in with a plurality of delegates then they rightfully deserved to be burned down for making this process as undemocratic as possible, I don't care who that is. Edit: This doesn't break down by candidate, but look at the last Emerson poll http://emersonpolling.com/category/polls/ That 13% is more concerning than that outright 8%.
  12. Chuck Rocha is arguably the most important person on Bernie's staff if he can win big in Nevada and carry that into a huge victory in California and hopefully Texas. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2020/02/19/sanders-campaign-is-counting-latinos-it-seems-be-working/
  13. Yes, people who are behind a candidate that still have a favorable view of Trump isn't indicative of anything dude.
  14. It's a sobering look that he's the lowest regardless and it shows those other candidates supporters could very well vote for Trump if they don't win.
  15. This guy kicks so much ass, good follow. He hasn't posted many videos of him canvassing, but when he does they're good.
  16. Still no highly rated poll in South Carolina but it's clear Biden is hanging on by a thread. If he comes in 4th in Nevada he probably loses SC.
  17. Took me a minute since I found out it wasn't Politifact but WaPo, but this was one of the most insane things I remember reading recently.
  18. Once Bernie gets the nomination he will activate tens of thousands of Antifa sleeper cells that will rise up and behead their white business owning parents and usher in a golden age of online harassment.
  19. Yes, he would get all of them. Bloomberg isn't surprising at all given his insane spending and a lot of Biden's support has moved to him. I think Biden is screwed big time on Super Tuesday unless he miraculously wins NV and destroys everyone in SC.
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