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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by GSU&UT

  1. Hi yes, let me introduce you to the modern GOP party. Any democratic candidate is going to be "uniquely unlikable" for whatever reason. Leftists hate most of the candidates besides Bernie, big-brained market wonks hate Bernie and somewhat Warren, etc. The electability argument is the absolute last thing we need to worry about, it's time to stop being cowards and worrying about everyone else but yourself.
  2. I hate Biden, but I'll vote for whoever the nominee is. This threatening of "If Bernie gets the nomination then people won't turn out" is precisely what happened in 2016 as an argument for Clinton and look what happened.
  3. lmao at him touting this as a good thing
  4. Right, we should run a centrist candidate again that inspires little turnout since it worked so well in 2016. I seriously cannot wait for your "why I have to vote for Trump" posts if Bernie gets the nomination.
  5. In 2020 people with degrees from the The University of Texas say humans don't contribute to global warming and that any research suggesting we do is funded by the government (?????) and Al Gore for their own personal monetary interests.
  6. Bloomberg did just support Abrams' Fair Fight group with 5 million dollars. I really don't like him though and think this is more of a cynical way for him to try and win black support after being the champion of the Stop and Frisk policy.
  7. God damn Nina Turner is awesome.
  8. Yeah, apparently Steyer is the only one spending serious money in SC right now for TV ads. Fuck him
  9. Forgot about Lis Smith. Probably most campaign managers are very intensive and somewhat ruthless, but she seems out for blood against everyone.
  10. I do think he catches a lot of shit from millennials because he's a generational traitor of sorts, we're sacked with debt, understand how awful health insurance companies are, and for him to act as if we can't take radical steps towards solving those issues really just exposes his privilege particularly given his age. I don't think random young people on the street are going to show this same anger, but a lot of 20 and early 30 somethings on Twitter see his work at a grotesque entity like McKinsey (which, yes maybe they didn't know much about before, but understand its role now) as completely not caring about the ethics of his job when he had the ability to practically work anywhere.
  11. Despite what a few posters here keep posting, it's absolutely clear to us that Pete shifted big towards a more centrist lane after using what's become more standard progressive talking points. That big of a change makes you look spineless and cynical and despite whatever your opinion is (and I do respect it a lot) that is what most young people, who are more active on twitter than the olds, think.
  12. GSU&UT

    Gun Control

    Dude, experts have actually have concluded that school shooting drills can lead to trauma. Just because they aren't soldiers coming home from school doesn't mean you get to invalidate psychiatrists. https://www.npr.org/2019/11/10/778015261/experts-worry-active-shooter-drills-in-schools-could-be-traumatic-for-students https://www.nytimes.com/2019/09/04/us/politics/active-shooter-drills-schools.html
  13. This isn't about individual max donations dude, this is about having almost direct access to someone who could become the president of the US. I'm sorry your candidate had to pivot to Biden's lane after he couldn't find support in a younger and more diverse crowd, but so many of us see our country and our world as being honestly ruled by a class and not by a few candidates that won elections. Freaking listen to this interview about someone, who isn't Amy McGrath, that makes this point exactly from the perspective of the Kentucky working class. https://soundcloud.com/user-972848621-463073718/bonus-episode-a-conversation-with-state-representative-charles-booker The Our Revolution wasn't a huge success, I frequently heard people refer candidates who were part of Our Revolution often lose races, particular in the Sun Belt. It was meant to try and be a more grassroots alternative to the DCCC, not to enrich Bernie. Like the response said, Bernie has no problems fundraising.
  14. It may be hypocritical at best. This response properly sums everything up, I don't think it's a silly "purity" test to fight like hell against Citizens United and actually take a stand and not accepting money from the wealthiest citizens that have a hugely disproportionate control over our political process.
  15. Yep, big business and evil billionares are trying to dump money into funding leftist candidates. This will surely sink Bernie
  16. Heard a brief story on NPR in the car just a few minutes ago about this, I didn't realize that the GOP led legislature there actually allowed the fines to be waved. It's a big if, but if most of those former felons voted it easily could swing Florida.
  17. You're responding to me in place of other people, I never posted anything really about Castro. I've shit on Biden, Pete, Klobuchar, and to a lesser extent Warren and that's about it. I can't tell you why other posters dislike him, I just never supported him because he was in no way aligned with real progressive values beyond maybe some stuff on immigration. I'm simply giving the, correct, explanation that millennials aren't weighing someone's age and race above all other factors when they look at presidential candidates.
  18. I don't have anything personal against Castro. When you've grown up being told you have to go to college to earn a decent wage, then subsequently graduate with five figures of debt during a financial crisis, and see boomers constantly deny that humans contribute to climate change and absolutely refuse to do anything about it, you may decide that you're tired of candidates who propose nothing but half-assed policies. There was a Quinnipac poll a couple of months ago that showed Bernie getting 53% of the vote from people under 30, that is not only the most but a majority. Castro could barely talk about a medicare public option and gleefully put on his campaign site that this is "medicare-for-all" which is patently false to anyone who really wants it. Quit viewing politics through a superficial lens if you want to understand why so many of us may want radical change, those of us who feel like our institutions, health care systems, judicial systems are failing us at every step of the way.
  19. This, it shouldn't be shocking who us young people support and it goes well beyond the candidate's age and race. It's insane some of y'all still don't get it.
  20. I don't think us self-identified leftists are going to disagree.
  21. Good lord, that would be the weakest OPI call if they actually threw the flag.
  22. I'm sure the NFL would prefer Tannehill and Cousins in the Divisional Round than Brady and Brees.
  23. lmao, god damn do y'all bitch more than anyone about the refs.
  24. Holy shit these Vikings DEs came to play.
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