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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by GSU&UT

  1. This looks like footage from the LA riots in the 90s. They're using bystanders' cars to shield themselves.
  2. The shootout is just insane, pure insanity to me. Even if you were fired on first, even if you didn't know about a hostage in the truck, you're literally firing where there's multiple civilians in cars during rush hour on a busy street. It's like every single one of them watched Heat the night before and wanted to recreate the shootout scene.
  3. Not sure why this isn't a bigger issue this presidential cycle, if you've ever heard of the story of how Chattanooga created super cheap gigabit (generally free wifi gigabit is available in most of the city) through it's public utility then you know how much this could help so many people.
  4. The weird Ulysses flex in this absolutely kills me, crazy and hilarious.
  5. It's a feature, not a bug.
  6. Amy fucking sucks and is polling at like 2%. She doesn't deserve to be talked about period.
  7. Georgia has an open primary so you don't have to register with a specific party.
  8. My head hurts from laughing so hard at this. He's like some playboy model
  9. This mostly is it imo. She tried to at first run on a more leftist campaign then quickly pivoted to the center for most issues and refused to address her prosecutorial past that Tulsi was able to so clearly pick at.
  10. GOT THAT SHIT Lol, that was great.
  11. He's the one who has a kid with severe health problems right? That was my initial thought, sucks regardless.
  12. I'm on my phone and an having trouble catching up. What specifically was going on with Mehringer? Just a shitty coach that can't coach?
  13. Yep, just helps my Falcons with a better draft pick hopefully.
  14. Really wish the weather was better, that was a good game regardless though.
  15. Imagine having a system where you didn't have to do this in order to not go bankrupt from an emergency. There's an NPR story every month (maybe week?) where they go over some ridiculous hospital bill. The latest one was a 3 year old shoved a pair of Polly Pocket shoes up her nose and the Urgent Care the parents went to didn't have long enough forceps. They had to go to the emergency room and got hit with a 2000 dollar bill for something that took less than a minute to remove.
  16. My jaw dropped when I saw how long it had been since UVA won. I know VT has dominated the rivalry, but there's no way I would have guessed it's been 15 years since their last win. Some salty VT fan pointed out that the last time UVA won Facebook and Twitter weren't even around.
  17. Tech is 100% trying for a loss to keep Orlando and Herman employed.
  18. Yeah that's going to send a louder message than a banner hopefully.
  19. I'm still catching up but god damn this made me laugh hard
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