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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by GSU&UT

  1. Orlando still uses 3 man rush, he really shouldn't be employed after today
  2. And was a deciding vote in Shelby County v. Holder which has lead to a wonderful amount of voter suppression in the south. He can burn in hell
  3. Damn, I expected her to not be first or even second, but that is abysmal. We'll see once votes start getting cast though.
  4. When you're coming to CR to escape sports you know your team is in a good place lol.
  5. Fuck yes Altuve. Fuck the Yankees and fuck the Nats
  6. Was hoping you'd have a bigger meltdown. Not surprising but Tlaib and Omar are going to endorse him, but they've been much more vocal about supporting him this past year, at least on Twitter.
  7. Yeah I saw all this on twitter just a few minutes ago, at least make him turn down an offer. Fuck just give me a good AFA coach right now
  8. Weeks late, but no one mentioned how exactly spot on this is. Mitchell submitted fraudulent (i.e. modified game boards) videos that were used as evidence for various world records and has been stripped. Fitlump has lied about nearly everything in her life, very fitting. https://www.polygon.com/2018/2/23/17039412/billy-mitchell-donkey-kong-twin-galaxies-explainer
  9. Atlanta United needs to relocate before they get the hex that's on the Falcons, Braves, and Hawks
  10. Probably last time I'll say it until 2020, I'll be dead before Atlanta wins a championship
  11. Yep, turned that shit off. Congrats Cards, go win another WS while we suck shit through a straw
  12. Fucking Atlanta sports, most anti-clutch teams ever
  13. If Freddie and Nick go for a combined 0/8 I'll personally kick Snit in the dick.
  14. Dansby is supposed to be moved up I heard, but yes I'd be dumb to not start Duvall over Nick. Got yet another bad typical Atlanta sports feeling over this.
  15. They're just going to willingly take less profits because it takes longer to implement? My point is I don't want them being able to have a say in any of this, I more or less want them to be abolished unless you pay into a single-payer system and then pay for private insurance after that.
  16. It's this too. I'm not under the impression that Bernie's M4A comes close to passing in the Senate (especially if he's only for filibuster reform and not abolishment), but I want his old crotchey ass up there really speaking to the American people that if they elected him that they need to push their representatives to not piss their pants and get on board.
  17. Again I ask you more specifically, if we propose some sort of hybrid/centralized system where health insurance still plays a role, you don't think they won't successfully water it down by fighting against it? These companies aren't giving up their power willingly and I seriously think they'll be much more successful in retaining it if the most popular plan put forth lets includes them in a major way (i.e. they can successfully influence it).
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