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Pig Bellmont

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Everything posted by Pig Bellmont

  1. You know I actually want to go to Haunted House more than I want to go to Aqua
  2. As long as we’re bringing up old scandals- should we talk about Iran Contra and how Reagan absolutely knew and approved of it? Or I dunno, and I’m just spitballing here, maybe we focus on the criminal conduct by a former president that’s actually getting prosecuted. Fuck Trump. I hope the stress of these criminal proceedings kills him
  3. Jesus tap dancing Christ. Gordon gets a pop up and everyone loses it in the lights? WTF
  4. Yuck. Had a good hack just foul before reaching
  5. “FBI analysis of electronics” and “how to permanently delete information on iPhone remotely” are a pretty big tip off there’s proof of guilt on her phone
  6. Insane to hear compliments about the strike zone tonight
  7. These announcers make me want to die. We better come back bc I can’t deal with this tomorrow
  8. You umm seem to know a lot about him
  9. I think that’s 0-74 (before tonight) since the tournament started, not just the supers. And biggest since 2009 I think
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