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Aqua Buddha

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Everything posted by Aqua Buddha

  1. Why is Kid Rock famous at this point? He had one big album and it was like 25 years ago.
  2. About that..... We know some people that live in Scottsdale. They said the summer really isn't that bad. Wake up early, do whatever, nap in the afternoon, and then go back out at night. (They're 55 and retired so there's that.) How true is that?
  3. The pigs I know are confused about this. SC is not a better job and they're not sad to see the little man go.
  4. This seems oddly specific with the details. Go on....
  5. Didn't Vic Mackey and crew rob one of these places in The Shield? The Armenian money train.
  6. The kids can just stay at home and "do their own research."
  7. I think he also had another -56 or something. Granted, that's a team effort but jeez. I wasn't a huge fan of his in the draft. Undersized but athletic PG who can't shoot very well. Granted, he could get better but still....
  8. That's my understanding. (I'm not a doctor or a trainer but I've read some articles and listened to a few podcasts.) The initial weight loss is both fat and muscle but when you stop taking it, you almost instantly gain the weight back but all in fat. That's problematic because as you get older (think 40's and 50's, not 70's and 80's), you start to lose muscle mass anyway and you need to work to maintain for old age. You can say while on the drugs, you could hit the gym and lift but I'd say 99% of the people on the drug aren't exactly hitting the gym.
  9. Is the Austin home market cracking? I saw the story in the WSJ a few weeks ago and now this:
  10. How tall are all ya'll to put the weight in perspective? I'm 6'0" and 205, down from about 217.
  11. I read a good description of Ozempic saying it was a psychotic drug that works through the gut. It tampers cravings of all kind, not just food.
  12. She's on "Face The Nation." The irony....
  13. Half of the Republican Party thinks Travis Kelce/Taylor Swift was a CIA operation.
  14. So, he just claims he won and people believe it? Where have I seen that before?
  15. It's not as bad as you think. Take the pills and not the liquid. You might have to ask for it. Follow the prep diet for the week leading up to it and that helps. The shitting the night before is the worst part but that's basically done by 9 pm.
  16. Not wrong. When people constantly hear about "mental health" and "anxiety," they see it in themselves:
  17. So, Texas' big allure at this point is....youth sports?
  18. A gal in my office who is basically Good Will Hunting of all things pop culture said her nickname is "Peggy" because William likes for her to peg him. Just reporting the news here......
  19. In “The War” by Ken Burns, he interviewed a woman who was a prisoner in a Japanese camp in the Philippines. One day there were planes overhead and someone asked “Are those Japanese?” She smiled and said “With that deep throaty engine, those are American.” I think about her whenever I’ve heard a P-51 over the years.
  20. Still can't get it out of my head. Once I saw it, I couldn't unsee it:
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