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Everything posted by Mac8111

  1. I forgot about the 90 Day Fiancé the Other Way where this chick had met this South Korean dude online and they met up and she ended up Preggo. Fast forward a year later and she packing her bags to go see him and she is packing a big box of “snug fit condoms” because apparently that is how she ended up Preggo. His dick was so pencil thin that the regular condoms slipped off him. She called her man out on national tv. The Other Way series has actually been more entertaining because it is where the American is having to go live in the other country because their partner couple not get a visa into the U.S. The very spoiled Jewish chick who hooked up with this Ethiopian dude and got Preggo and decides to go have the baby in Ethiopia and when she arrives, she sees his “apartment “ doesn’t even have running water. There is literally a water faucet in the courtyard of the apartment area where people go and get water to take back to their crib. She’s in process of having meltdown now. The smoking hot social media model black chick who is moving to Jordan to be with her virgin Islamic boyfriend whose parents still think it is 1855. The 60 year old grandma moving to India to be with her 33 year old boyfriend who is still married. So many good laughs.
  2. 90 Day Fiancé is pretty good too. That Colt guy has massive man tits and a small dick and still lives with his mom. His Brazilian girlfriend #2 just busted him sending dick pics to 8 women.
  3. This thread is dedicated to those tv series that can't carry their own thread but definitely deserve some run because of how glorious of a train wreck they are. My submission to Surlylites everywhere...… LOVE AFTER LOCKUP on WE channel. My buddy told me about it. Said his wife got him into it. I told him I was interested. He then put his "money back guarantee" on it. Wife and I gave it a shot and HOLY FUCK. What an entertaining series. Summation: Nut jobs have been writing and in getting into relationships with convicts. Some have met before. Some have only written. All have contributed large amounts of money to the convicts account while in prison. Now the convict is about to be getting out of prison and the tv show documents the train wreck that happens when these people try to be in a real relationship outside the prison walls. Some seriously fucked decision making. Some seriously entertaining misfit relationships. Some seriously fucked up lying and using of each other. LOVE AFTER LOCKUP has it all. "Cam model" engaged to one prisoner while dating another one. Check. 50+ plus year old black dude in blue suit going to meet his 25 yr old big ass white girlfriend at the bus stop on her way to the half-way house. Check. 30 year old chick from TX leaving her kids at grandma's for 3 months so she can go be with her man in CO while he is on parole. Check. Smoking hot former meth dealer moving in with 50 year old dude with fucked up lip that she has never met. Check. This show definitely holds the record for number of cigarettes smoked on TV in a given season. The current season is on WE channel on Friday nights and it looks like they do marathons each week on Friday before the new episode is released. So that should be easy to catch up. You can also watch an older season on the WE channel website. There are other seasons that I have not been able to find online, but I will put more effort into finding them this weekend and report back. You can watch both seasons at once because they don't overlap. Feel free to add your favorite trash tv series that overdelivers.
  4. Nicole has already had a couple of companies that she “influences “ for already state they will not work with her anymore after the video of them mocking Ian came out.
  5. Ultimate Spirit Challenge Results 2020 https://www.ultimate-beverage.com/upload/editor/2020/USC_2020_Top100_LR.pdf?r=1598878991
  6. I am sure this is posted somewhere on this site but this definitely brought the lulz
  7. Bayleigh said on The Challenge that she and Kaycee flirted on their BB season
  8. 70% of my listening now is listening to the interviews off the Sirius App.
  9. Rain ruined my work on back patio plans so I ran down and fished with the old man today. No tide movement and NNE wind but I managed to pick up a slam and he had two trout.
  10. Are we ready to have hottest chick in BB history discussion yet? All submissions must include several pics.
  11. Get you some ! Where were you fishing ?
  12. Someone apparently had a bullhorn and was screaming into the backyard that Cody and Nicole were “playing everyone”. Several houseguests heard it.
  13. Got me 8 of these yesterday on Lake Austin.
  14. Those TITTAYS. Those nipples.
  15. Actually going freshwater fishing for first time in years on Friday. A buddy wants to hit Lake Austin. Says he has had some good days there the past couple weeks. I think my bass total for my entire career is at 3.
  16. It’s just better that way
  17. Mac8111


    What the Fuck was that
  18. Just saw some rumblings of a leaked group text chat from BB21 that people said had some racist comments in it.
  19. Yes. A couple in Port Aransas for sure.
  20. Just tried to do Wayne’s Wings and they said It was over a two hour wait for take out
  21. Mac8111

    Below Deck

    That’s what I told the wife. There was a one second sound byte that I am positive was her voice.
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