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Everything posted by MagicSoccerSpray

  1. This show is so good I can't believe it's Disney, and must assume Gilroy demanded total control and that Kathleen Kennedy be totally uninvolved. I find myself really enjoying the Intelligence Bureau drama, and Skarsgard and all the actors, are really killing it.
  2. No, they purposely might create a nuclear disaster at the power plant though.
  3. In the comments it's said he wasn't speaking Turkish. Possibly Azeri or another muslim minority.
  4. They've already bought more, supposedly 2400, though I'm not sure I believe that number. https://www.iranintl.com/en/202210111957 https://www.jpost.com/international/article-719786
  5. We have plenty of ATACMS to spare, they're not being sent because we don't want to eScAlaTe!1! We, and allies, have sent M113s and TOWS. Still, we should send more imo.
  6. Yes. HIMARS is truck based and carries one 6x MLRS/ 1x ATACMS missile pod, while the M270 is tracked (Bradley chassis) and carries two 6x MLRS/ 1x ATACMS missile pods. They are getting both chassis, though not the ATACMS missiles officially.
  7. They will use Belarusian vehicles/supplies if it comes to that.
  8. The narrow entrance to the peninsula if/when Ukrainian forces start to come across.
  9. There's been nothing secret about it, most Russians have made it clear they are fine with it.
  10. It is definitely encouraging, but they need weapons. The regime will not fall by itself and won't be persuaded by demonstrations alone.
  11. 1x ACL second weekend 3-day ticket 10/14-16. I'm in Austin, let me know if you have any questions. $280 thanks
  12. I streaked Insomnia/Metro spring 98. Damn I miss the Austin I grew up in.
  13. I don't think there's enough time or crayons, to explain that Russia did it, to these morons.
  14. The Turks have an election next year, hopefully we won't have to deal with Erdogan after that. Not close
  15. https://soap2day.to/MczozMjoiMTM5Njd8fDcwLjEyMi4xMzQuNzR8fDE2NjQ3OTAxNjIiOw.html
  16. 22 round are in the auto loading carousel. The tank can carry more, but has to be exposed to reload the carousel.
  17. I too am pissed at India, but I understand their anger at the US stupidly continuing to play footsie with Pakistan. Pakistan is unreliable trash that is an ally of China, why do we continue to arm and help them?
  18. Just Leno was as good as could be expected for the audience on a mainstream broadcast show. A lot funnier than Noah, who seemed like a good guy, but just didn't deliver.
  19. As mean as he was, as unlikable as his character could be, and how his role diminished as the show went on, his first couple of seasons were outstanding. He almost won an Emmy for them and I think history will be kind irt his performance. I think Abed was the glue. Also think season 6 was very underrated and all the replacement characters, Frankie, Hickey, and Elroy, were great additions who were underrated.
  20. Negotiations require two parties operating in good faith
  21. Critical drinker does a great job breaking down Predator's greatness. Such an awesome film. Truly, we were spoiled back then. Check out 13th Warrior. It had production problems, and was a bust, but I think it was underrated.
  22. I said special divers though the Russians probably just used their subs and or drone subs designed to do just such an operation. Yes, the Russians have always sucked in logistics. Without our truck and locomotives, they would have lost the war.
  23. https://www.defenseone.com/ideas/2022/09/nord-stream-leaks-underline-gray-zone-risks/377701/
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