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Patricio Swayze

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Everything posted by Patricio Swayze

  1. A couple quick phone edits. Mating pair, but only caught one.
  2. I used to have the Mavic pro 2 or whatever. Got some cool photos of one of the body farms and some other stuff. Most posted in the photo thread.
  3. Butter’s. Fucking delicious. Pinche elotes.
  4. Probably accurate. I was thinking: But neither of us are black.
  5. Finally hearing thunder in my part of NW Houston.
  6. .1 inch? Sounds like surly right wing.
  7. Doug, you sumbitch. Don’t stop. If you stop, that means I should have stopped a long time ago.
  8. Hahahaha. You drunk fuck. I’m having a bit myself (Been awhile) while watching apocalypse now the Final Cut. I don’t want to turn on my sprinklers. And I want the rain to stir up the culebras. Come on rain, bring it.
  9. Just as long as it doesn’t hit the Eagle Ford, I’m good with that. Looks like I’m about to get hammered in NW Hate Town.
  10. I think every time I went, the brisket was fairly dry. I did like the various Asian fusion sausages. Homo or no homo. But yeah, after about my 4th visit I knew I wouldn’t be back.
  11. I’m not one to follow all the restaurants in Houston, but that sounds like something aggy would selectively breed. But I should try the fried rice sometime.
  12. Patricio Swayze


    Y’all do it up right for me. Too nervous with my industry right now.
  13. If it’s blood Bros level, then I am less enthusiastic to try it. Still want to, but less so.
  14. Dare I ask what ghetto springs refers to? Really hoping it’s Barton springs.
  15. I’m not sure which series made “Hollywood” realize that dragging shows out until they absolutely suck was a terrible idea, but I want to thank them. It was time for this to end and they did a good job.
  16. I have seen the original cut countless times and of course it was the first one I saw back in high school. Got lucky and saw Redux in a nice old theater in DC in 2001. I actually love both versions but feel like I have to see the Final Cut as it’s been a favorite movie of mine for many years. If you like photography I highly suggest this book. Some interesting stories told in it as well. https://www.abebooks.com/servlet/BookDetailsPL?bi=31398355364&ref_=ps_ggl_17721428148&cm_mmc=ggl-_-US_Shopp_Trade_20to50-_-product_id=COM9783791388083USED-_-keyword=&gclid=Cj0KCQjwxYOiBhC9ARIsANiEIfaaf3UfC1ZKyLWzYMrPDv2hn61pKrpCgEHEteXR1dMrkbXUxPGBGi4aAslNEALw_wcB
  17. I guess the Dan Henry 1975 is pretty close.
  18. Yikes hahaha. I don’t know, I just really dig those 60s-70s skin divers. But I am guessing it’s frowned upon to buy one and have it refurbished.
  19. I thought they were going to open a brick and mortar, what happened with that?
  20. There are two other fusion-ish bbq spots in Houston. Blood Brothers, which does a few more Asian inspired items, is good but I don’t think they are great. Khoi BBQ is the other. I haven’t tried them yet because they do mostly pop ups. I really want to try them. Their pitmaster has been appearing on food network a lot lately.
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