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Francisco 2.0

Certifiably Surly
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Francisco 2.0 last won the day on April 23

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About Francisco 2.0

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  1. Honestly? Using them as surrounds robs them of their full potential; there's numerous articles here and there documenting this. But as surrounds? My goodness, they sound fantastic. I did purchase the Sonos stands for them vs mounting them on a wall, or placing them on furniture. Now, I didn't have Ones (or even rear surrounds with the old setup) so I can't compare them, but....yeah. Outstanding audio.
  2. Well, you see. And this is an important distinction here. It was 2009, and there was this certain person who was President.
  3. The ultimate irony is he's a lawyer in real life. His bit is stale and predictable. But he keeps finding new, fertile fields to plow. And those fields keep delivering, over and over again.
  4. Some photos from our trip last summer. Ms. Francisco at Mount Washington, NH: The youngest crossing Long Island Sound: Times Square: Old North Church, Boston
  5. https://www.thedailybeast.com/trump-tower-take-a-tour-of-the-saddest-building-in-nyc?ref=home
  6. Formula 1 isn't fucking around: https://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/2024/04/26/trump-fundraiser-miami-grand-prix/
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