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Certifiably Surly
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RDCanecutter last won the day on March 14 2023

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22971 Surly 1%


About RDCanecutter

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  1. Shot my first gun in a gravel pit. But I was with my Dad and not Kristi Noem so I'm still here to tell about it.
  2. I see that chart and all that occurs to me is that we older guys should step up our Dos Equis Man game.
  3. It wasn't a check, but when my credit card got hacked, UFCU called the Austin cops while I sat there in the office. Didn't matter where the actual fraud occurred. Once we had a police report on file, they did all the other stuff. But it was UFCU, who suck wayyyy less than any bank I ever had.
  4. Vinny Gambini got away with it.
  5. We had a teenage babysitter who called us shitass all the time. Of course we picked it up and used it frequently. Mom flipped her lid hearing it come from her babies so it became Automatic Spanking territory. Me and my middle sister clued in and clammed up, but baby sister couldn't hold it in. Shitass, shitass, shitass.
  6. Well you've figured it out, haven't you you little hoe?
  7. Confiscated it from an alleged drug-dealing owner? Can't always be a Camaro.
  8. When banging guys they think are billionaires? I could see them forgetting.
  9. No need to vorry. All are from Cyprus moy druk. Maybe ve help you too, enough so you don't vorry so much.
  10. I rested all my hopes on your being a ham operator able to bang out morse code and warn the team bus about the washed out bridge when all other methods were down.
  11. No. All they had to pick from were scowling East Texas Box Facers draped in camo tarps. Or maybe those were jackets. For the purposes of this banter, East Texas is understood to extend to the Atlantic.
  12. There was a time when my wife, an occasional marathoner, felt down about her weight. I took her to a Bass Pro Shop.
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