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Halo MCC


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Yes, that MCC. The one they released in 2014. They just released a massive patch (~73GB) today that supposedly fixes all the major issues, plus they added 4K HDR. I haven't tried it out yet but hopefully I'll have some time tonight to test it out. If you don't own it, but subscribe to Game Pass, you'll get the MCC for free September 1st.  https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/news/mcc-update


The patch is around 73GB. Shortly after beginning the download, the game will be "Ready to Play" and at this point you can launch the game and begin customising your install. This will allow you to choose which games you want to install, what order and if you want to download Campaign OR Multiplayer.

Intelligent Delivery Guide:

  • Press Start to open "Options & Career"
  • Scroll to "Settings"
  • Use RB to scroll to "Gameplay" and select "Change Installed Games"
  • Customise your install to your liking!

Available Playlists:

While people are downloading the patch, only five playlists will be available:

  • HCE Team Doubles - 2 vs. 2 - Ranked
  • H2C Team Arena - 4 vs. 4 - Ranked
  • H2A Team Arena - 4 vs. 4 - Ranked
  • H3 Team Arena - 4 vs. 4 - Ranked
  • H4 Team Arena - 4 vs. 4 - Ranked

Once there are more players active, this is what the final playlist setup will look like:

  • Team Slayer - 4 vs. 4 - Social
  • Big Team Battle - 8 vs. 8 - Social
  • Team Action Sack - 4 vs. 4 - Social
  • H3 Lone Wolves - 8 man FFA - Social
  • HCE Team Arena - 4 vs. 4 - Social
  • H2C Team Arena - 4 vs. 4 - Ranked
  • H2A Team Arena - 4 vs. 4 - Ranked
  • H3 Team Arena - 4 vs. 4 - Ranked
  • H4 Team Arena - 4 vs. 4 - Social
  • H3 Team Hardcore - 4 vs. 4 - Ranked
  • H2C Team Hardcore- 4 vs. 4 - Ranked
  • H3 Team Doubles - 2 vs. 2 - Ranked
  • HCE Team Doubles - 2 vs. 2 - Ranked
  • H3 Big Team Battle - 8 vs. 8 - Social

Known Issues:

  • Campaign and playlist progress counters may read as 0s across the board on initial launch
  • Intelligent Delivery prioritization can be lost if console enters Connected Standby during install
  • Halo 4 Forge objects exposed to the global light source may appear incorrectly
  • Some career stats do not update until the title is relaunched
  • Corrupted installation can occur through Intelligent Delivery installation
  • Aim sensitivity feels faster in update compared to previous MCC retail
  • Players idling in match are not always automatically removed from the game
  • Elites are not dual wielding in various Campaign missions
  • Players with high ping times may be unable to find a game
  • Objects will pop-in during the Halo 4 Campaign
  • Players can go out-of-sync when moving from mission to mission in Halo 2 co-op Campaign when there is an original Xbox One hosting and an Xbox One X client
  • Players may need to reacquire previously collected ODST audio logs before receiving Achievements related to them


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  • 3 weeks later...

I just found this thread and started missing Halo 3. I remember the ad campaign for the game was out of this world.

Lt. Niraj Shah spitting truth. "Chief told me once that no soldier should be honored for doing what is expected." ("Do you believe that?") "I did. And I still do." 

Master Chief doing what he does best. This ad was done so well - made me shiver at the thought of humanity's survival.

The complete ad campaign for Halo 3 with all the "Believe" commercials.

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They completely blew the momentum from all that by the time 4 came around. It was crazy how much they had set up the franchise to branch into other media with those shorts and commercials, ODST, and everything else. I was certain that a high quality series or a movie was going to come out, then they seemingly blew it all up and abandoned it. I felt like it was the best sci-fi universe to be created since Star Wars when the series got to 3, then poof. No idea what happened.

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Yeah, but the one that's nearly impossible without dumping a hundred hours into the game is the Halo 2 speed run on legendary. Beating the entire thing in under 3 hours is no joke. I did some of it, following guides and stuff, but the difficulty was extreme. That final fight was ridiculous if you don't glitch through a bunch of it and get multiple Johnsons to spawn. Never could get that down well enough to get through it. Oh and Gravemind in less than 30-40 minutes makes me want to shoot myself in the face. 

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Honestly, some of the most fun is the Halo 3 and 4 legendary speed runs, because you need no planning, just find 3 friends, and go through it like you would any game. It's super fun if you have a good group and a couple hours. It's a great way to do the old campaigns and enjoy the game without the anxiety you get from 1 and 2. I'd be down for some of that sometime, it's a lot of fun. 

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I've been having fun with playing halo 3 lately just on the social modes or whatever.

Kind of lame you get sweaty kids on M&K but it can still be pretty fun.

If anyone wants to play any of the releases whether it's co op or multi-player or what shoot me a dm. 

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I’ve been playing recently too. Halo 3 mostly. GT is jofus.

Excited for infinite to come out, but I hope they make some gunplay tweaks. The recent multiplayer test flight was fun, but I hated the sniper and the NPC dialog was cringey and distracting.

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