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Everything posted by babysdaddy

  1. I watched my wife get a covid test a few days ago and it was not that. Her eyes watered a bit but nothing like that
  2. I think he’s an HP kid so not a lot of experience with your Billy Bobs of the world. He did, however, dress up in a pedobear outfit and go to a Penn State game trolling everyone there so he gets a forever pass on everything
  3. The thing that I can’t square is if the above is true and it is as contagious as we think, why did it take so long (relative to expected spread) to impact NYC the way that it has? If it was running rampant a lot earlier then we would’ve expected January or February or early March to ramp up the death count, right?
  4. Well actualllllly, 990 kids weren’t in the top 1%.
  5. I love this thread. Can best be summed up with “why isn’t the market doing what I expect it to do!?!?” Good luck boys
  6. Are you going to start pushing theories that Clorox major competition was colluding with the Chinese to create the virus? ‘Cause that would be on brand for you chief.
  7. What's up with the quick spike on this? How many times are they going to announce the Chinese trials were no good? I figured you, out of everyone here, would actually wait to see the data and details.
  8. You are celebrating? What the fuck is wrong with you. He left March 1st. Plus he lives in New York which, and I’m guessing by your gif you’re thrilled he’s dead, means his republican vote was irrelevant. So in general you are just happy some old guy is dead because he watched Fox News. What the fuck.
  9. There were some posters that got the checks and were asking the board what Democrats to donate to. And I spoke with someone who received an electronic deposit that has a net worth with ten figures that got it because he had a a write off in 2018 that reduced his agi to under $100k and hadn’t filed 2019 yet so....non poorer can receive it.
  10. I thought Pam was a chick? Or is just one of the deeply disturbed posters that pretends to be a female for their sock?
  11. So is Junior (and more importantly, his wife) alive?
  12. CTJ reminding everyone about predictions is actually very healthy for readers of this thread. How else are people going to determine what posters opinions they should weigh a little heavier and which ones they should discount. There are a few posters whose reputations have been shattered, at least in my mind, as rationale/calm thinkers both in this thread and on other surly threads.
  13. They Zeihan guy that lobwedge posted an article from hosted a call yesterday and had some predictions. Storage filled by late May or June globally. Supply destruction of 20mm barrels. Single digit/Negative pricing this summer. Refiners in a jam bc all the heavy shit is going to be the destroyed supply.
  14. You're not touching that money for 25 years. Take the bond portion and allocate towards S&P and look at it in 2025
  15. So bull case, therapy emerges (45 being looked at), testing nationwide, economy opens up by 5/15. Bear case, attempt to open up, cause new wave of infections, which then cause military enforced quarantine, no vaccine or therapy works, Great Depression. Outcome is solely dependent on science. Personally, I think our scientists and scientific companies are amazing and will succeed much sooner than anyone expecting on therapies and sooner than end of year on vaccine.
  16. Csb, my father in law dated the daughter of Marcello prior to meeting and marrying my mother in law.
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