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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Drew

  1. Drew

    Cowboys @ Rams

    Who said parsons sack fumble to win the game? He’s fucking insured. Jesus. Damn he’s good.
  2. Drew

    Cowboys @ Rams

    Now this I agree with. They lose that game with Dak not fully healthy or Cooper most likely. Give Dak till the bye for all I care. Make sure he’s 100%
  3. Drew

    Cowboys @ Rams

    See why do people do this? Are they not watching the offense? It’s not good. It’s done “enough”. Imagine a better offense with this defense? It’ll be more like the MFC east games late last year. Remember those? The 40-50 point games? The defense is winning. Games right now. Not the offense.
  4. Drew

    Cowboys @ Rams

    This is literally not the case. Brady won a SB thanks to that defense and FA class they added. Cowboys defense in 2020 was bad.
  5. Drew

    Cowboys @ Rams

    Bruh…this offense isn’t good. But they don’t lose games. I can’t wait to see a dynamic passing game again. Just temper it a little bit like they’ve done today.
  6. Drew

    Cowboys @ Rams

    No or course not. These 22-25 point games will turn into 35 point games. He’ll be rusty and if he plays against the eagles will get killed. But over all? They’ll start running the score up on teams and the defense will feast.
  7. Drew

    Cowboys @ Rams

    Pass rush!!!! Not even with Micah either. Secondary played well.
  8. Drew

    Cowboys @ Rams

    Yeah and that’s why it’s probably good either way. And that wasn’t as bad as the Brady Roughing. But Jesus Christ jusy put them in skirts.
  9. Drew

    Cowboys @ Rams

    Yeah he’s been fine too. You need both of them to be going and they both are. Especially late.
  10. Drew

    Cowboys @ Rams

    This the one time where you could go for it or take the points and not really be wrong.
  11. Drew

    Cowboys @ Rams

    Oh fuck them. I know it’s the “smart” thing. But Jesus. Just go. It’s a 2 score game right now. That would end the game. Ugh.
  12. Drew

    Cowboys @ Rams

    Okay. So do you go for it and end the game? It just take the points?
  13. Drew

    Cowboys @ Rams

    Looked like Zeke saw something there and smartly was telling coop…lead to a Tim out. Probably a smart on too. Playclock at zero. Yup
  14. Drew

    Cowboys @ Rams

    Ohhhh. Zeke was so close to breaking one there. Zeke knew it too. And THIS is the effective use of the run game. Got a limited offense. Can’t just run the same play over and over.
  15. Drew

    Cowboys @ Rams

    Just get points. 12 point lead ain’t much better than 9 points. But it at least forced 2 TDs for the rams to win.
  16. Drew

    Cowboys @ Rams

    Law walked off the field. Just hit his head I think.
  17. Drew

    Cowboys @ Rams

    Parsons is a beast. And how the fuck do they not call they holding on parsons?!?
  18. Drew

    Cowboys @ Rams

    Law hurt and Parson banged up? They in trouble rushing the QB.
  19. Drew

    Cowboys @ Rams

    Might help if the WR catches it. Or the QB hits the WR in first down.
  20. Drew

    Cowboys @ Rams

    What the fuck lamb? You had that in your god damned hands. Jesus Christ. It’s your fault if they drive this ball deep.
  21. Drew

    Cowboys @ Rams

    Dang FG range. Had a chance to get them further back. Oh well. Decent hold after a horrible punt. Or the kicker could just fucking miss and give you decent Field position!
  22. Drew

    Cowboys @ Rams

    From your mouth to the Football gods ears. BTW I don’t think the cowboys lack overall in turnovers is just due to Turnover Luck. I think it’s also because unlike like year, the offense isn’t scoring so the opposing team isn’t under pressure to push the ball down the field. Maybe we’ll get our offense from most of last year back and putting up 25-30th and the defense will get some turnovers as a result.
  23. Drew

    Cowboys @ Rams

    A hold? They get the team wrong?
  24. Drew

    Cowboys @ Rams

    WTF happened our Pro Bowl punter? Jesus. This is twice in the last 2 weeks. If the defense holds here I’ll be really impressed. Lots of momentum.
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