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Tex Pete

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Everything posted by Tex Pete

  1. As I said the other day, it’s obvious they’ve given the green light to start attacking Jimbo. They’ll try to convince the money guys to buy him out. It’s a huge ask and I don’t think they’ll be successful. Good money after bad. They’re fucking idiots.
  2. Too harsh. Elton John would never dress a kid like Teen Wolf!
  3. Any self-respecting attorney/agent would shove Jimbo's arms into a wood chipper before allowing him to waive the money he is contractually owed.
  4. Be a dick. He’s a dummy without any testicles.
  5. San Francisco was not playing its only rival in the biggest game of the season- a game that determines every year whether or not a championship will be on the table for the 49ers. Stop trying to justify the unjustifiable. Sarkisian turtled.
  6. Yep. Billy is definitely attempting to muster the troops to mutiny against Jimbo. Again, huge ask of the people who actually support the program financially. I agree with the aggy poster that they’ll fire him right after he loses to us next year (if he does).
  7. I’m so envious of the way Iowa plays defense and how Phil Parker calls games (most of the time). Those guys are headbusters.
  8. Greg Tepper is a HS football guy. This all seems like the beginning of an orchestrated effort to push Jimbo out. This seems like something Texags would be behind. We can’t have it. Longhorns, rather than talking shit about Jimbo and the Aggies, we need to be telling anyone who will listen how great he is, how they just need to give him more money, and that a bump in pay and a 10 year extension would probably do the trick. Get out there and talk Jimbo up.
  9. Texags has fired more than one of their coaches. Because it is THE mouthpiece and hub, it is the place most of their fans congregate. Texags fired Mike Sherman and Dennis Franchione. I’m serious. They threw such big fits the administration had no choice. The difference with Jimbo is that they don’t have the money to cause his firing. In their desperate need to be relevant and “the richest!” they’ve written a check they can’t back up. They’ll have to convince the money men that he has to go. It’s a huge ask.
  10. I went to the Wisconsin-Iowa game in 2016. It was a shitfest. Just awful football.
  11. Bryce Foster is awful. Several bad snaps and tripping over his own feet, tripling the QB etc. Dude sucks balls. Whoop!
  12. Plus making an arrest in Tupac’s murder has to have dredged up bad emotions over there.
  13. Moon Man is much more handsome and doesn’t look nearly as much like a lesbian, but his head is equally lopsided. Or is it wop-sided?
  14. Are you talking about his height? Choking and losing to your less-talented rival you boat raced a year ago in a season you are supposed to be winning the conference is not "stepping up," no matter what excuses you accept. OU has ruined our season repeatedly since Mack Brown stepped on campus, with very few exceptions.
  15. Yes. History says that is 100% what will happen.
  16. Everyone in my section of the stadium knew after 1st down (and certainly 2nd) that we were ramming our heads into the wall. Our OC didn't? Maybe the HC should have told him so. Players don't call the plays.
  17. Just wait until Kevin Mar steps up to the podium to announce which two teams will play in the Big 12 championship.
  18. Players did not let their nuts shrink into their stomach and kick a low-percentage game-losing FG. You play to win the game.
  19. And that’s kept us from winning Big12 championships nearly every single year. Pathetic.
  20. Always helps when our players treat our only rivalry game like it’s the last game they’ll ever play. They didn’t.
  21. A coach’s job is to put the players into position to win. Sarkisian failed at doing so Saturday.
  22. That was the system in place at the time. The AP and UPI (coaches) were the entities that awarded championships. UPI always awarded theirs before the bowl games because most teams did not play in bowl games and because bowls were considered exhibition games. It is a legitimate championship.
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