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Everything posted by Clintonaldo

  1. And the stock just went lower. I still cannot believe he doesn’t understand who is actually buying his product.
  2. ROFL BOX has appeared to be a decent dude over the years on here. I hope this is all a joke.
  3. I probably couldn’t park that any better. The vanity tag is the most offensive.
  4. How do y’all feel about parents helping pay for private school for your child? I am about to be 42 and with an almost 2 year old and he is the only grandchild on both sides so naturally our parents spoil him. When he starts private school in a few years my mother has made the statement several times she wants to help with his school. I said it isn’t necessary but she said she wants to do it. I am kind of torn on it because I feel like I am not independent if I accept that.
  5. I love my father in law but I could never take his money. We had a hard time getting someone come out to fix our dryer a few weeks ago and the sonofabitch just bought one for us and had it delivered and didn’t tell us until the movers were an hour away. I was kind of pissed about it because I didn’t ask or need his help. I felt like a child.
  6. Just ask them for the money Eddie. They sure as hell can’t take a hint.
  7. I got tired or borrowing people’s bikes and bit the bullet. I love it.
  8. All of this because he shot his mouth off and people egged him on to actually buy it. I have a buddy who last Friday was still parroting how he is owning the Libs yet couldn’t tell me why. I said before that I liked him a lot and then he called the dude trying to rescue the trapped kids a pedophile just randomly and I thought what the fuck was that about.
  9. The best part is if Elon does in fact stop paying rent a certain segment will boast how is just owning people.
  10. I am an idiot and was looking at time of day instead of pace so sorry about that. Looks to me like you just need more miles as there was a big drop off after 25k.
  11. You also might be starting out too fast as you are having a pretty large drop off in pace every 3 miles.
  12. In my opinion you have to run a full 26 before a race to get your body read. There is a reason a lot of people struggle at mile 22 and that’s because that’s as far as they go during training. Run slower but longer. Good job and I bet you shave 5 minutes off next time.
  13. Turning 42 in a few months and I run and eat healthy and now thinking of a heart attack nonstop.
  14. The people that used to make fun of his “ tree hugging cars” now slurp him. What a world.
  15. Just like the non idiots and fan boys predicted. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/tesla-board-missing-action-musk-195113776.html
  16. I bet the next one you do will be under 2:20. The best time to sign up for a race is right after one. Vai !
  17. Apparently some fans are revolting against Freeze being their head coach so it might not happen now.
  18. Forgot to say that you should be very proud of yourself.
  19. Excellent and thanks for responding. I did a 70.3 last year and leaning towards doing that and the 140.6 next year in my hometown of Chattanooga Tn.
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