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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by nineliveslost

  1. Thats like a 4 on the cringe scale. What Aggy does with multiple players is at least an 8
  2. These post by them are on par with letter/emails/text to ex-girlfriends that dumped them. D.E.S.P.E.R.A.T.E
  3. I am not a 9.95 expert, but bobby doesn't seem like the guy that does that
  4. sickening. Thats why Israel won't stop until Hamas is wiped out. I hope they hunt down and kill every single participant and every single leader.
  5. I thought it was awful and stopped watching after 2-3 episodes. Too many eye rolling moments and the acting was...bad. really bad. Rotten Tomatoes give it 75% approval so what do I know
  6. good popcorn flick. Will watch the second one. No awards will be given but a fun watch.
  7. Pic must have been taken in the winter. I approve
  8. Thats why I don't get it. Let them screw around with everyone else, but the first time they fire at a US ship hit them hard. Make them pay. Then go back to normal until they attempt it again. then hit them twice as hard. Dont screw with us. Hand on a hot stove treatment. FAAFO.
  9. Are we just going to fuck around until the Houthis get extremely lucky and sink one of our ships and kill hundreds???? Hit them fucking hard and tell them to knock it off and then hit them again. The attacks against the navy are increasing and intensifying. FUCK THEM UP. We are being dumb
  10. LOL, completely fair with my hyperbole. I should not have said almost every board. I spend about 1% of my time on those boards you listed. 🤪
  11. I also want to say that I haven't been a victim of the above but see it on almost every board. people just don't want to accept someone disagree and not seeing it the way they want them too.
  12. I think you guys try, but like you said above somewhere. It's a polar world and people are all in on their side. So even trivial small banter (not only politics) takes on a life of its own and someone (left, right, conservative, liberal, young, old, straight, gay) always has to be a dick about it. Usually, right after the disagreement starts, the lances come out and its full charge. You guys do your best trying to clean it up and mitigate, but then the culprits follow posters around and just holds a grudge and pepper them with bullshit. I get we are all assholes with thick skins, but it always leads to resentment and bitter pissing matches that drag others in and down. Be an asshole, but don't be a dick. Be funny, not spiteful. Thats my biggest and probably only bitch about this place and I think it leads to less traffic and communication and more apathy. I wish I could help find a way to minimize the crap because I really enjoy this place.
  13. agree, but the point still stands. Let people react (overreact) in the football threads. It's what most do on every team, even when its the first play of the game.
  14. Exactly. Every college football fan base goes the way of the game thread. Just look at the Dr Pepper commercial when they were melting down and the sheriff had to tell them it was the first play of the game. That wasn't parody, it was real life.
  15. I know that man, I was unsuccessfully trying to be funny.
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